What a great day and what a great performance. 
Yes we've had false dawns before including last year's opening win against 
Bolton but I sense that this was different. Bolton were poor and still scored 2 
whereas I felt Stoke are a good side that wanted to play at their pace but we 
just never let them. 
As 45 minutes go I think that's the best I've seen for some years and given 
that this is the same side apart from 1 player that Heckingbottom had I think 
it's clear that the manager has made a massive statement of intent. I always 
criticised Hecky because I couldn't work out what he had brought to the team ? 
There was no new manager affect and the players just seemed to be going through 
the motions. Today was a different system and a different style that I can only 
compare to the impact Wilko made when he joined the club. High tempo, high 
pressure football, interlaced with some great pass and move football which at 
times was breathtaking. Everyone seemed comfortable on the ball and everyone 
comfortable with their positions. I criticised his team selection beforehand 
and I wondered how he was going to make a mid table team of mediocrity compete 
with the bookies favourite for promotion? Well, now it all makes sense. He 
picked the players that he has spent the Summer working with and the players 
who have had time to buy in to and play in the way he wants. I suspect he only 
really knew that it would work after today but all credit to him, the team were 
I think every player looked 20% fitter than last season. The system worked 
incredbily well and Cooper and Beradi were never exposed because there was 
always other players helping out. Philips, who I have said can't be a top 
midfielder because of his lack of pace and acceleration played a blinder in a 
role that suits him down to the ground. He sits back, chases, harries, tackles 
and breaks up play and then quickly gives the ball to Siaz and co to move 
forward. He looked very comfortable.
Roofe cannot play as a lone striker especially at home so I've said many times. 
Am I now going to have reassess my opinion on this and actually have I writte 
Roofe off too earlier as a '3rd division striker' ? He never really looked like 
scoring today but bloody hell I thought he played well. He looks fitter with a 
bit more muscle and an extra yard of pace. That doesn't make him fast but it 
does give him a 50:50 chance to get to the balls he was unable to last season 
and he never stopped right through to the 5 mins of injury time where he was 
still running for what looked like lost causes. I still think he needs to 
improve his distribution but there's obviously a role for him in this team as 
he never looked isolated with Hernandez, Siaz, Allioski and Klitch all 
supporting with every attack. 
and what about Klitch ? I always thought he looked like a player but he looked 
to lack fitness and pace last season. He looks like Paul Madelely now, majestic 
on the ball and always harrying to win the ball back. His goal was a great run 
and finish. What a player. 
I'm not going to go through all the first half chances but we could have been 3 
or 4 up. The movement and play at times was sensational and crowd were on their 
feet cheering and clapping like I've never heard before. 
Amongst all the great play and performances , Siaz for me stood out in the 
first half. Absolutley brilliant play and he seemed to be back to his best and 
I think again this is down to fitness. He looked very fit and strong and like 
Roofe chased everything. He makes things tick, play the killer ball and also 
beat players with ease. There were rumours that he was going but surely on this 
performance Bielsa will never let him leave. 
Playing out from the back always makes me nervous especially with players who 
really don't have the ability to do so and yes, today there were a couple of 
blips - Beradi played a poor ball and immediately Mclean was through and only 
brilliant anticipation on Cooper's part prevented a goal. Also Douglas had a 
little slip and Ince too control but he recovered brillianty. I think Ince is a 
very lively player and he hit the bar with a great shot in the first half but 
apart from that we stifled him and he got really frustrated. 
2-0 at half-time thanks to some really dodgy keeping from the ex-Leeds keeper.
Second half, we continued to press but I do think we ran out of steam 
particularly Klitch who I think slowed significantly and maybe should have come 
off sooner. Stoke took control and we defended desperately at time and also 
time wasted to run downthe clock. Despite this we still remained a threat on 
the break and could have had more. 
I couldn't see what happened for the pen but it looked like we seemed to have 
defended the cross and got it clear but it somehow came back and fell to a 
Stoke player who was hacked down (Philips ?). Credit to us though because 
rather than panicking we went straight up the other end, won a corner and then 
scored from it and to top it all is was a great delivery from Douglas and great 
header from Cooper. How many headed chances did Cooper miss last season ? 
With a two goal cushion we edged towards the finish line but I thought we were 
(understandbly) running out of steam fast especially Ayling who looked 
completely fucked towards the end. Stoke had their best period of the game and 
Crouch came on to cause a few problems but we hung on and I think 3-1 was a 
very fair result. 
Watching Bielsa was fascinating. Perched on his stool he never moved until the 
last 20 minutes. All the orders came from his team (3 of them) who were up and 
down the technical area. In the last 20 mins Bielsa started going on walks up 
and down the dugout - very weird and at the final whistle he bombed it down the 
tunnel and I don't think he even shook hands with Rowett ? I think this is 
probably one of his weird mannerisms however he can do no wrong for me on that 
performance and I'm looking forward to Derby on the telly next week and 
Rotherham at home in 2 weeks time. Be interesting to see his team selection for 
the Bolton League cup game also. 
My scores:
Peacock - 7. Had very little to do other than pick the ball out of the net for 
the pen, a few punches and one half decent free kick save. He does look very 
comfortable with his feet though which means he can contribute in this system. 
Ayling - 8. Terrific battling against a tricky customer in McClean (and Ince). 
Pressed forward a lot in the first half, not so much 2nd as we slowed. 
Douglas - 9. Very impressive debut agoinst another tricky customer in Ince. He 
looks like the real deal and I think he will get better and better. Lovely 
corner for the 3rd. 
Cooper - 9. For me, that's his best performance for Leeds by far. Another 
player written off by a lot of fans but if he plays like this every week he 
definitely has a future. I think everyone thinks he will fuck up at some point 
and he has to remove this from his game which he did today. Fair play to the 
Beradi - 8, Not a natural centre back and I wonder if he will play there once 
Jansson is fit and has had time with Bielsa but you couldn't ask for anymore 
today. He was like a raging bull at times and late on in the second half some 
of his challenges were breathtaking (you could say stupid, but today he nailed 
them). One mistake first half nearly ruined it. 
Klitch - 8. First half was a 10 out of 10 performance. Majestic with the ball, 
battling without the ball and scored a goal. Second half he tired and was 
subbed to a standing ovation. We've got a new player on our hands here. 
Philips - 8. As I say, not sure about the pen but apart from that I thought the 
role suited him down to the ground and he was always there to ensure Beradi and 
Coops (that's what I call him now he's my fave) didn't get exposed. Surprised 
he didn't get a yellow for a few dodgy tackles but overall I was impressed. 
Allioski - 7. I'm definitely not a fan but credit him in the busy first half 
where he really put himself about and nearly scored with a decent volley after 
some good link up play. Second half he was less effective.
Siaz - 9. Brilliant performance - back to his best. 
Roofe - 8. Unlucky first half with a chance that just beat the post but I was 
impressed by his fitness, control and harrying. 
Hernandez - 8. Good goal and whilst I've never liked him on the right wing he 
grew into it and did an awful lot of defensive work as well
Dallas - was put through but didn't take his chance Baker - not on long 
Harrison - dare I say it he looked a bit porky 
Crowd - great atmosphere. Nearly as good as the Josh fight.
Great gesture from the club with the 'Eleven Pauls' South Stand tribute. I was 
pretty choked at that. Paul Madelely was my first footballing hero and I've 
still yet to see a better player on the ball than him . Utterly majestic. 

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