Sad news.  :-(

On Thu, 25 Jun 2020 at 15:47, John Boocock <> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Earlier this week we heard of the sad death of one of the earliest
> members and most loved characters from the list, David “DRB” Brennan.
> Not only was DRB a list regular in the 90s as a trawl through the
> archives held by James Lundon proved but he also wrote a lot of good stuff.
> As a season ticket-holder he used to go to reserve matches at The Shay
> and (as well as Maggie Barber) post regular reports of the reserves’
> progress. He was a regular source of ticket information and became very
> friendly with Mandy in the ticket office especially when trying to find
> out what times cup matches would be played and what the ticket
> allocations would be.
> DRB and his wife Kate were part of a gang that regularly met pre-match
> (he was an Adolphi regular), he was at the MOALM and he was the man
> behind the sponsored head shave at the first Euronet in 1996.
> Like others on the list he was a Northern Soul boy, coming from
> Horsforth what else would he be?
> One of the friendliest, funniest and kindest blokes I have had the
> pleasure to meet he will always be the example I would use of what the
> list is about.
> DRB leaves behind, Kate and the two boys Sid and Bradley and we have
> been in touch to send our sympathy. No date has been set for what will
> be a very small family funeral but his brother-in-law suggests there
> might be a memorial service in the future. The family has asked, if
> anyone wishes to, that donations are made to MIND which is a charity DRB
> supported. (
> We checked with the family before we posted anything to the list and
> they were happy for us to do this. As we get more information, we will
> pass this on but in the meantime please enjoy the following post to the
> list from 1996, it’s typical of the DRB we knew and loved (that and the
> bloody song he wrote about Tomas Brolin!)
> Betty
> From:    VBORMC:"" "D.R. BRENNAN"
> 20-FEB-1996 11:22:41.54
> To:
> Subj:    LU: Interview
> Interviewer: Mr Wilkinson, as your team selection for some games over
> the past few months has  been, shall we say, "innovative" what will be
> your policy for the Port Vale game?
> HW: Well, all things considered, and bearing in mind that our players
> have had a hectic autograph signing session recently, and it will be a
> bit chilly, I think 11 players will suffice.
> Interviewer: Mr Wilkinson, does this mean that even though your African
> players are back from international duty, you will not use them?
> HW: All things being equal, Tony, Phil and Lucas are definitely players,
> and players want to play, want to play, but there can only be so many
> players, who play, so they may play a part in playing but it's not so
> warm for players who normally play, normally play, in a warmer climate.
> Interviewer: It was suggested that in the Aston Villa game, you may have
> been better playing an attacking side, as the defence, containing so
> many youngsters, was unlikely to keep Villa out, offence being the best
> sort of defence.
> HW: Youngsters, youngsters.  I was young once, and wanted to play,
> wanted to play.  You've got to give them a goal, I mean go, they may be
> short of pace, but Rob Bowman has got the same name as the Producer of
> the X Files, so who knows what might happen, might happen.  I picked the
> best side for the game, for the game.  When I start telling you where to
> use a metaphor instead of a simile, and when to employ onomatopoeic
> licence, then you can tell me how to pick and quarter of pick and mix, I
> mean a football team.
> Interviewer:  There has been much discussion about Tomas Brolin's future
> at Elland Road.  Can you enlighten us as to the current situation?
> HW: Tomas has got a white shirt, some people might say, might say, it
> still has Parmalat on it, but I say Thistle Hotels.  I know the shirts
> are the same colour, and that was a major consideration in buying
> Tommy.  I like continuity, like buying players from Sheffield, so buying
> a player who was used to wearing the same colour shirt fitted in well
> with our long-term plans. Brolly is happy wearing white and yellow
> trimmed with blue and if Brollywolly is happy, I'm happy, I'm happy.
> Interviewer:  But Mr Wilkinson, Tomas Brolin is a world class player,
> do you think there will be a place for him in tomorrow's cup game
> against Port Vale?
> HW: This could well be a bit of a clash, what with the colour of their
> shirts against the blue seats of Elland Road, I might find it difficult
> to follow their play, especially if I forget to take my yellow tinted
> motorway night driving glasses off, glasses off. Port Vale are a big
> side, strong.  We need  a team who can cope with this. They will throw
> everything at us, I need a ten man defence, probably leave Wallace up
> front as a target man - it's a pity that Forrester lad wanted to go - if
> BrillyBrolly is prepared to work hard at his autograph signing and boot
> polishing, he might find himself handing out the oranges out at half
> time if he's lucky, hahaha (Interviewer chokes at HW making a joke!)
> But seriously, I'm not sure if a player of Tommy Lolly’s abilities will
> be wasted on the likes of Port Vale, his jinking runs and reverse passes
> will just confuse them, no I think better to play your own game, I mean
> their game, their game, so on that basis, and taking all things into
> consideration, on anormal day...
> Interviewer:  So, you're saying there is no place for Brolin?
> HW: I didn't say that, say that.  What I said was all things being
> equal, and as long as the cue ball isn't behind the brown, if you've got
> no shuttlecock and you're trying to play tennis, you never know.
> Interviewer:  And final prediction.
> HW: There'll be a game of football tomorrow, it may be in the park being
> played by some you lads, it may be at playtime at Broadgate Lane Junior
> School, but there'll be football played tomorrow, played tomorrow.
> Interviewer:  Thank you for clearly stating you point of view.
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