**********    The Significance of Hegel Today    **********
             Wood Theatre, University of Melbourne
              << 9am - 4pm Friday 5th February >>
Hegel & Freedom - Ute Bublitz & Cyril Smith (by videoconference from Britain),
          Reading: Introduction to Hegel's History of Philosophy &
               Absolute Freedom & Terror, from The Phenomenology
Hegel's concept of Labour & the State - Paul Ashton, 
          Reading: Lordship & Bondage from The Phenomenology &
               The System of Wants from The Philosophy of Mind.
Hegel & Totalisation - Geoff Boucher, 
          Reading: Introduction to The Phenomenology & last 3 pages of
               Philosophy of History; Sartre, Critique of Dialectical Reason,
               Int ch 2, s 3 & bk II, ch 8, s 4;
               Francis Fukuyama, The End of History: Introduction. 
Hegel & the Problem of Perspective - Bill Deller,
          Reading: Ilyenkov's Dialectical Logic, Essays 5, 6 & 7.
Each presenter will speak for about 30 minutes, to be followed by discussion
and reply. To cover the international ISDN costs, there will be a charge of
$20 / $10 concession. Please arrive on time and ISDN link cannot be delayed.
To register contact Andy Blunden, tel. 9380 9435 or Kathryn Clarke 03 9344 8985.
*  Andy Blunden, WWW = http://werple.net.au/~andy/home.htm           *
*  Home = [EMAIL PROTECTED] Work = [EMAIL PROTECTED]           *
*  tel 061 3 9380 9435 (H) 3 9344 7064 (W) 3 9348 2253 (F)           *
*   Significance of Hegel: http://werple.net.au/~andy/05feb99.htm    *
*     Value of Knowledge: http://werple.net.au/~andy/19feb99.htm     *
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