Massive new American arms expenditure

The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
February 3rd, 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Subscription rates on request.

While the world was enjoying the Christmas and New Year
festivities, the US Government announced a massive increase in
military expenditure to be implemented over the next five years.
According to newspaper reports at the beginning of January an
additional $A19.6 billion is to be spent in the next financial
year. The total increase over five years is to be over $A180
billion. It's the biggest increase since the end of the Cold War
say the newspaper articles.

This sum, which is in addition to the already huge American arms
expenditure, will be used to buy new jet fighters, attack
helicopters and warships as well as funding an increase in the
pay of service personnel.

Where is this money to come from? It's the usual story. Other
programs are to be cut back and although no details are presented
in the newspaper reports it is certain that it will come from
education, health services and existing welfare programs in the

The US continues to upgrade its nuclear weapons and keep them in
readiness while demanding that other countries sign the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. Their intention is to retain nuclear
superiority as their ultimate weapon to force all other countries
to comply.

This huge increase in military expenditure is taking place
despite the weakened position of the former Soviet Union. There
is no nation which can conceivably challenge US military power
and no-one is going to attack the United States. So why this huge
increase in military expenditure at this time?

The US is already waging war on a number of fronts -- militarily
against Iraq and in the Balkans, economically against Iran,
Libya, Cuba, India, Pakistan and a number of other countries and
politically against all countries which do not bow down to
American demands.

Their threats and intimidation are not limited to their supposed
enemies but also against their friends. The US has made threats
of imposing retaliatory sanctions against the European Union
because it intends to buy bananas from South American countries
rather than from the Caribbean island states where American
companies are the main producers.
Their "free" trade and "free" market policies are having
disastrous effects on other countries while making the financial
institutions and big corporations richer and more powerful than
ever before.

They try and tell us that their aim is to advance "democracy" and
that their policies will bring benefits to everyone. But for
others, there is a rapid increase in poverty and unemployment and
far from the touted American-style "democracy" bringing freedom
to the people it is denying any real involvement of the ordinary
people who want to have a say and have real power over their

These are the political aims that the beefed-up US military is
intended to serve.

At the same time military expenditure has an enormous economic
spin-off for the big American arms manufacturers. Government
contracts for weapons are often open-ended. Payment by the
American taxpayers is guaranteed and the profits are
astronomical. More than ever before in history, the big
corporations are the backers and promoters of wars. Peace and
disarmament for them is a nightmare.

The United States ruling class has become the main enemy facing
the people's of the world. They intend to dominate all countries
without exception.

Earlier this century Hitler's Germany advanced the slogan
"Deutschland Uber Alles" meaning, "Germany Over All". The US
leaders are not so crude as to say so outright but their
intentions are the same.

Fortunately, the ordinary people of the world are expressing
opposition to war and to the domination of their countries by
others. It was this force and the outcry of the world's people
that has, for example, somewhat restrained the US and British
Governments in their hell-bent wish to start a new war in Iraq
and to intervene more openly in Yugoslavia over Kosovo.

However, at this stage the ruling elites in the major capitalist
countries do not intend to abandon the rich and powerful
corporations and their objective of world domination. It will be
up to the people of all the countries to finally put these
monsters out of business.

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