Resistance Centre
14 Anthony St
Melbourne (see list of speakers after agenda)

9.30 am Opening panel
Issues, debates and strategies for the labour and social movements
11.00 Multiple choice streams
UNIONISM: Union solidarity with workers in the Asia Pacific region
FEMINISM: Developing a new activist feminism
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: The struggle for Land Rights in Australia: Past
experiences and contemporary challenges
SOLIDARITY: East Timor and Indonesia: An eyewitness account
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 Feature session
Europe: Nation, class and responses to Capital?s agenda
3.00 Multiple choice streams
UNIONISM: The global recession and economics for trade unionists
FEMINISM: Socialist women in the Australian trade unions
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: The campaign against nuclear energy
SOLIDARITY: El Salvador: Elections and democracy, an eyewitness account
5.00 Feature session
Socialism after the "end of history"
7.00 pm 40 years of the Cuban Revolution dinner & presentation
9.30 am Feature session
Is abortion a moral issue?
11.00 Todays struggles in historical perspective
Militant Union history: A look at left and socialist influence in
Australian unions
A discussion about perspectives for the student movement
One hundred years of experiences and lessons of the socialist movement in
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 Feature session
The Indonesian elections and the democracy movement
3.00 Multiple choice streams
UNIONISM: The experiences of the Industrial Workers of the World
FEMINISM: Liberal, radical and Marxist feminism, past & present
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: Jobs and the environment
SOLIDARITY: Guerillas, diplomats and democrats: The many strategies for
Third World liberation
4.30 pm Feature session
The beginning of a new international socialist movement


*** Adam Novak, Editor International Viewpoint, Fourth International ***
Craig Johnson, Victorian Assistant Secretary Australian Manufacturing
Workers Union *** Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth *** Sarah Lanzt,
International Women?s Day Collective
*** Max Lane, Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor, DSP
National Executive *** Leslie Cannold, Author of the Abortion Myth,
journalist and Bioethicist *** Harriet MacCallum, Co-convenor University
Students for East Timor *** Arief Budiman, Melbourne University Professor
and Founding Chair of the Institute of Asian Languages *** Trish Corcoran,
Melbourne Organiser Democratic Socialist Party *** Mandi Scott, President
RMIT Student Representative Council *** Bronwyn Jennings, Melbourne
University Resistance *** Jo Williams, Melbourne Coordinator Action in
Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor
*** Jamie Doughney, Victorian University Researcher *** Susan Price,
Democratic Socialist Party *** Karin Matheson, Australian Manufacturing
Workers Union activist *** Nurullah Ozbek, Kurdish activist Democratic
Socialist Party *** Vannessa Hearman, Action in Solidarity with Indonesia
and East Timor *** Chris Spindler, Melbourne Trade Union Convenor
Democratic Socialist Party
*** Jackie Lynch, National Tertiary Education Union activist *** Martin
Daley, Forest Collective Friends of the Earth *** Margarita Windisch,
International Women?s Day Collective *** Gavin McFadzen, Wilderness Society
State Campaigns Coordinator
*** Dave Cushion, Australian Asia Worker Links *** Mary Merkenich,
Australian Education Union activist *** Joaquim Santos, Fretilin *** Jorge
Jorquera, Melbourne Secretary Democratic Socialist Party *** Ray Fulcher,
Peace activist *** Jacob Varghese, President National Union of Students ***
Allen Jennings, Melbourne Coordinator Committees in Solidarity with Latin
America and the Caribbean *** Alejandro Rodriguez, Democratic Socialist
Party *** Susana Rivas, Democratic Socialist Party
-------------------------------------------------- All titles and
organisations are for
identification purposes only

????????????????????. REGISTRATION FORM ?????????????????????
_________ WHOLE CONFERENCE --- waged $15 --- concession $10 --- high school
_________ ONE DAY Sat/Sun --- waged $12 --- concession $8 --- high school
Please register which Multiple Choice Stream you are likely to participate
in (Note: This does not restrict you to attending just this stream, but is
a useful indicator for the conference organisers):
____ Unionism
____ Feminism
____ Environmental justice
____ International solidarity
Please send registration form: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cheques payable to Democratic Socialist Party. Send cheques ASAP for
confirmation of registration: DSP PO Box 12427 A?Beckett Street Post Office
Melbourne 8006.


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