Special Freedom Socialist Party Meeting, 18 May 1999 
Lessons from a Proud History of Fighting Workplace Discrimination 

Freedom Socialist Party members are veterans when it comes to organising
against victimisation and harassment on the job. Debbie Brennan, who has
two decades experience as a teacher unionist, will use examples from both
Australian and international cases to focus on the practical lessons from
these struggles.

Cases she will discuss include:
* the battle of Clara Fraser, a socialist feminist fire brand who won an 8
year political discrimination case; 
* the victory of Merle Woo, an Asian-American lesbian teacher who twice beat
the University of California; 
* the campaign for the right of Sandy Nelson to be an openly radical
* the precedent-setting case of Alison Thorne who won reinstatement to a
teaching position after being victimised because of her gay rights activism.

The meeting will also include a report about the current battle by the NMIT
Unionists Campaign Committee to curb discrimination against unionists by the
management of Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE, which goes to court on
17 May. Hear an assessment of progress and court room highlights at the end
of day two! All welcome.

Dinner will be served at 6.30 pm for a $5 donation; the meeting starts at
7pm. Venue is 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick Vic 3055. For more information
phone 03-9386-5065.



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