The following articles were published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
March 8, 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Subscription rates on request.

1. Olympics under the gun
2. Editorial: Racism alive and well

1. Olympics under the gun

A massive mobilisation of military personnel is under way in the
lead-up to the Sydney Olympics. Army counter terrorism units have
been in heavy training for 18 months, specialising in boarding
ocean-going vessels as well as in dealing with chemical,
biological and radiological attacks.

by Marcus Browning

Almost the whole of the Australian military's special forces will
be on 24-hour alert at a number of spots around Sydney starting in
August and ending in October, after the Paralympics.

This in addition to 30,000 private security personnel, the NSW Police
Force and agents from the Federal Police, plus tens of thousands of
Olympic volunteer workers who will be given powers to arrest and detain.

Sydney in September will be a city under siege.

A squadron of Black Hawk helicopters will wait in readiness at the
Holsworthy army base west of Sydney. The Olympic Security Command
Centre, which will coordinate operations, has pinpointed 115 places
throughout Sydney as possible terrorist targets.

The spectre of Osama bin Laden, number one on the CIA hit parade,
has been conjured up, his suspected "connections" in Australia
already under surveillance. In fact, unnamed sources told "The
Age" newspaper last week that he had "connections throughout

Intelligence agencies here have gone so far as to collect the names
of thousands of people from around the world believed to be some how
or other linked to bin Laden.

Clearly Australia's Arab community is in for a barrage of harassment
and racist abuse.

And what about the three Hercules RAAF aircraft which will be
capable at a moment's notice of moving assault units anywhere
around the country? Presumably this is in case terrorists decide
to attack the Games via Western Australia or Victoria or

ŠAll this in the name of Olympic security, even though security
spokespeople and government representatives keep insisting that
the possibility of an attack is "slim", "low", "unlikely".

Twofold purpose

The military involvement has a twofold purpose. Firstly, it is an
ideal opportunity to practice the mobile strike force tactics and
crowd control measures of the special units.

These units have been created for just such action; to move swiftly
to any "hot spot" in the region (after getting US approval
of course) and if necessary crack down on dissent within Australia.

Secondly, it is to serve as a public relations exercise to make the
public feel secure in the knowledge that there is a crack defence
force to protect them (so we feel "relaxed and comfortable",
to quote Prime Minister Howard).

Howard announced last week that military spending is to be increased
in the 2001-2002 budget. To do that and maintain the precious budget
surplus means there will be more cuts to funding of public services,
more privatisations, more hardship.

Thus, the Sydney Olympics will be used to soften up public opinion
and to try to put a stopper on growing opposition to the government's
economic terrorism.

2. Editorial: Racism alive and well

Three recent events show again what we all know, that the
Aboriginal people of Australia continue to be discriminated against,
that racism is alive and well and that property interests are a driving
force in the determination of the Federal Government to keep the
people down and out. The Prime Minister's decision to welsch on his
election promise to finalise a process of reconciliation should come
as no surprise.

The Prime Minister does not have any good intentions and never
has had. His words are always to be understood as an exercise in
opportunist politics aimed to find the way to look after the
interests of conservative Australia and the class interests of
big business.

The Government and the Prime Minister personally are implacably
opposed to recognition of the due rights of the indigenous people
of Australia. There has yet to come from these politicians
recognition of the fact that the establishment of white
settlement was an invasion and that the occupation of the land
was theft. This is neither recognised nor compensated.

Conservatives have consistently opposed and fought against
the granting of any form of land rights.
Howard stubbornly refuses to say "sorry" on behalf
of the Australian nation for the crimes committed by those
responsible for the "stolen generation".

His refusal to say "sorry" has got nothing to do with
his claim that the current generation cannot be blamed for the
crimes of the past.

The same goes for his Government's refusal to override
the mandatory sentencing laws of WA and the Northern Territory. His
excuse is that he will not override the laws of a State Government.
What it really means is that he will not implement the international
conventions ratified by the Australian Government which define the
rights of children and basic human rights. This stand is being taken
while the Government lectures other countries on the question of human

Another blow to the Aboriginal people is contained in the
decision of the Federal Court to override a lower court decision which
granted land rights to the Miriuwung-Gajerrong people in the far north
of WA. And why did the Federal Court throw out the original ruling?
It is significant that it disallowed the claim for that part which
included the Argyle Diamond Mine, the Ord River scheme, a number of
pastoral leases and the township of Kununurra - all land occupied
and exploited by mining, pastoral and other property interests.
In this decision we see that property rights override every other
consideration and that the much-heralded Native Title legislation
does not take the justified claim for land rights very far.

The mandatory sentencing laws of WA and the NT are clearly
racist in their operation and that is exactly what was intended.
These two States have large Aboriginal populations who suffer
high levels of unemployment and deprivation. Poverty and
unemployment inevitably bring petty crime but there is no
recognition of these factors in mandatory sentencing. These laws
also take away from judges any flexibility they have had to take
into account circumstances.

The State Governments responsible for this legislation want
to divert attention from the underlying social issues and shift the
blame for crime to the individual concerned. They have no intention
of taking any action to fix the social problems, to provide employment,
to improve the health situation and provide housing, water, etc.

To put it at its harshest, the policy of genocide has not
yet been abandoned.


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