The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
5th April 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney, 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Subscription rates on request.


  Editorial: Gross violation of human rights commitments

The Government's response to the criticism of the UN Committee
for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination over the question of
mandatory sentencing and the ILO over industrial legislation is in
line with the demand of Pauline Nation to withdraw Australia from
UN bodies. In this and other areas, the Howard Government is taking
over and implementing One Nation policies.

A picture of deliberate disregard of various international
conventions by the Coalition Government is emerging.
Australian laws concerning mandatory sentencing and Reith's
industrial legislation violate UN Human Rights accords and
International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions that have
been ratified by Australian Governments.

The complaint to the ILO was brought by the ACTU, the Maritime
Union of Australia, the International Confederation of Free Trade
Unions, and the International Transport Workers' Federation. All
these organisations were involved in the MUA dispute against
Patrick Stevedores in 1998 in which Patrick, with the full
support of the Howard Government, sacked waterfront workers for
the sole reason that they belonged to a trade union. The ILO has
upheld the right of trade unions to bargain collectively on
behalf of workers and the right of workers to belong to a trade

The Howard Government's reaction to criticism displays the
extreme conservatism and petty-mindedness of government leaders.
Their threat to downgrade Australian representation or even to
withdraw from UN bodies is an indication that further violations
of internationally accepted standards can be expected.

One of the international bodies that could be affected is
that dealing with the Status of Women. Commitments made at the Kyoto
environmental forum may also be up for review.

The Government's outrageous attitude logically flows from the
policies of de-regulation or self-regulation which allows the big
corporations the opportunity to do whatever they please in the
operation of their workplaces and in trade relations. Extending
the same principle to governments would enable them to legislate
any law in disregard of international bodies and commitments
entered into by Australian Governments. This is the path to
=E4international anarchy.

=46oreign Affairs Minister Downer questioned the "efficiency and
impartiality" of the UN committee which made the criticism of
mandatory sentencing, claiming that the UN committee ignored the
"significant progress" made in Australia on Indigenous issues.

Jocelyn Newman, the Howard Government's Minister for Family and
Community Services, asserts that threatened protests during the
Olympic Games are "un-Australian". The Government, in effect,
claim' tha=90 it' action' an=9F law' ar=89 "Australian=A2 and=A8 presumably=
i=A6 "Australia'' interests".

Both government Ministers ignore the real state of affairs - the
mass unemployment among Indigenous people, the health and housing
situation, lack of educational opportunities as well as the much
greater percentage of Indigenous people thrown into jail.

Government leaders and sections of the press are stepping up the
rhetoric that the UN should keep its nose out of Australian
affairs while the hairy-chested assert that no-one is going to
tell Australia what to do.

The threat to downgrade or withdraw from UN bodies is a serious
step towards international isolation that will only intensify the
criticism and the perception that Australia has other things to
hide or that the Government intends to go even further in
implementing more right-wing policies in various areas.

The knee-jerk response of "keep your nose out of our garden"
appeals to the most politically ignorant and isolationist
sentiments among the Australia people without addressing the real

When the UN body was considering the issue of mandatory
sentencing Australian government representatives lobbied the UN
in an attempt to have it remove references to this violation of
the convention which says that there should be no arbitrary
jailing of children and that their jailing should be a measure of
last resort.

There is no doubt that mandatory sentencing law and its
implementation is racist in character and intent.

Once again the Prime Minister is protecting those State
Governments responsible for the mandatory sentencing laws while
claiming to be personally against them.

The Federal Government should immediately exercise its powers to
override mandatory sentencing. A failure to act can only be
interpreted as connivance.

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