Dear friends,

Can you please distribute this message widely throughout your networks? 
This activity (described below) will be in addition to the Women's Song and 
Dance Fests which will be held around the country in the various centres on 
Saturday October 7th.

many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone
on behalf of the national coordinating committee
World March of Women 2000 - Australia


World March of Women in the Year 2000 - Australia

Invitation to participate in the conclusion of the seven month campaign.


The World March of Women in the Year 2000 (Marche Mondiale des Femmes de
l'an 2000, Marcha mundial de las mujeres) was initiated by a group of women
in Canada called Federation des Femmes du Quebec (FFQ).

In 1995 in the lead-up to the UN's Fourth Women's Conference, the FFQ
organised a women's march against poverty. The March was called "Bread and
Roses". 850 women marched from Ottawa to Toronto. It took them ten days.
Fifteen thousand people turned out to meet them at the end of their march.

The women were mobilising community support for a list of demands for an
end to poverty and violence against women which were consistent with the
United Nations Fourth World Women's Conference's Beijing Platform for
Action which was being developed at that time.

 >From that seed, the idea grew - of extending the march world-wide. Today,
women in 146 countries are involved with 3,500 groups having endorsed the

We are campaigning for an end to poverty; greater equity in sharing of
wealth between women and men; and an end to violence against women.

A list of world demands has been agreed and is on the Canadian web site at: A list of Australian demands can be viewed

As Tuesday October 17th is both the United Nations International Day for
the Elimination of Poverty and the culmination of the seven-month long
campaign of the World March of Women in the Year 2000, the Australian
coordinating committee for the WMW2000 now invites the women of Australia
to contribute to the WMW2000 campaign to end poverty and violence against
women in the following way:

As a means of marking the International Day for the Elimination of Poverty
and the conclusion of the WMW2000 campaign, we are asking women at the
local level to initiate small-scale grass-roots style meetings in their own
workplaces/ universities/ schools/ communities/ neighbourhoods etc.

Any woman can initiate such a meeting.

Such a meeting could be held at any time of the day - or night - on Tuesday
October 17th. If women are willing to become involved in the WMW2000
campaign in this way, such a meeting could, for instance, be held at
morning tea time or afternoon tea in a workplace setting or indeed in any
setting which the woman initiating the meeting thinks appropriate. While it
is envisaged that such a meeting might last, say, fifteen to twenty
minutes, it is of course up to the initiator and the participants if they
prefer a longer meeting. Some have suggested that it would be consistent
with the principles of the WMW 2000 March that any food provided at such a
meeting should be frugal rather than lavish. Morning tea could for instance
consist of just a biscuit, perhaps like those eaten by people in
impoverished countries.

It is also entirely up to the organiser/s of any such meeting to decide the
person or persons they will invite to the meeting. In addition, it is the
decision of the woman/ women initiating the meeting as to whether the
meeting will include both women and men. The millions of signature support
cards which are being presented at UN headquarters in New York on that day
have been signed by both women and men.

Suggested format of October 17th meeting:

* remember the traditional owners of the land and recognise that the
meeting is being held on Aboriginal land;

* bring to mind that the day, Tuesday October 17th, is the UN International
Day for the Elimination of Poverty;

* bring to mind that the day is also the culmination of the campaign of the
World March of Women in the Year 2000 and that the support cards, signed by
millions of people around the world in at least 146 countries, are today
being presented at UN headquarters in New York;

* a go-round: each person takes a turn, without interruption, to say aloud
to the group what they think it would be like to live in a world free of

* conclude with an appropriate song (such as the WMW song) or another
go-round with each person saying one thing that they appreciated about
coming together for the meeting.

Please note that these are guidelines only and can be adapted in any way
that  the initiator of the meeting prefers so long as the format of meeting
is consistent with the goals of the WMW2000 campaign.

Many thanks for your support for the WMW2000 campaign and for taking the
initiative at the local level to see that this meeting happens.

Please contact the World March of Women 2000 Australian coordinating
committee (details below) if you need any assistance with arranging a
meeting in your workplace/ community. Please also let us know of any
initiative you have been able to take on this day as it is inspiring to
hear of each other's efforts.

And finally, good luck!

For further information, please contact:

World March of Women in the Year 2000 - Australia
c/o Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Australian Section)
8 Murray Street
HOVE  SA  5048
fax: 08 8377 0706
phone: 08 8296 4357
web site for Australia:
web site for overseas:


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