The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
May 31st, 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.

Over 250 000 people joined together and walked across Sydney
Harbour Bridge last Sunday. It was the largest ever human rights
demonstration this nation has seen. People from all over
Australia, representing trade unions, peace groups, schools,
immigrant communities, political parties and families walked for
reconciliation, land rights, justice, in recognition of crimes
committed in the past, and as a national apology to the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The word "Sorry"
was carried on placards, flags and t-shirts. As a plane wrote
"Sorry" in the sky it was cheered as it made each pass to write
the word. It so moved Ms Evelyn Scott, chairperson of the Council
for Aboriginal Reconciliation, that she claimed "I will die

by Jules Andrews

The march on Sunday followed the handing over of the Statement of
Reconciliation at a ceremony at the Opera House on Saturday.
Corroboree 2000 was also the largest ever assembly of Australian
leaders, from Australian Federal and State parliaments and the
Aboriginal community.

Several leaders, including the Governor-General Sir William Deane
were granted rapturous standing ovations in recognition of their
work. Sir William Deane said that "even more important than the
specific milestones that I have mentioned has been the ever-
increasing grass roots awareness of the importance of both
national reconciliation and the battle to overcome entrenched
Aboriginal disadvantage."

Ms Scott hoped "that this will be a day that future generations
will look back upon as one of the landmark steps on the long road
towards genuine reconciliation ... The First Fleet arrived on
these shores in 1788 with the instruction to `take possession of
the continent with the consent of the Natives'. Consent was not
sought and never given."

During his speech to the Corroboree, ATSIC Chairman Geoff Clarke
renewed calls for a treaty between indigenous and non-indigenous
Australians. He said, "No constitutional or other document
records our consent to the terms of our relationship with non-
Indigenous Australians. There has been no treaties, no formal
settlements, no compacts. There now needs to be."

The idea of a treaty was first raised in 1988 during the Prime
Ministership of Bob Hawke, but was side-lined by Prime Minister
Keating who, instead of proceeding to negotiate a treaty,
established the Council for Reconciliation. Now with the Council
drawing to a close, Geoff Clarke said that a treaty would be the
"central objective of the Reconciliation Foundation", the body
being set up to replace it.

As the Corroboree took place in the Concert Hall, over one
thousand people gathered to witness the event on a large screen
erected in the Opera House forecourt. Hundreds of home-made
placards saying "End the Genocide", "Reconciliation and Justice"
and "Let's Work together on Unfinished Business" were held high.

Michelle, an Aboriginal woman from Western Sydney argued that
"without a treaty enshrined in the constitution this is all
pointless. Governments can pass and interpret legislation as they
like. They can use it to play people off against one another. We
need that protection."

Another man who spoke to "The Guardian" was an 80 year old
veteran of WWII, a Russian soldier who had been taken prisoner by
the Nazis at Stalingrad. He remained incredulous at John Howard's
failure to act. "I witnessed the genocide of the Jewish and
Slavic peoples. The Germans are (now) really ashamed of that
period and are trying to do their best to repair the damage. But
here, where is the leadership?  John Howard, Alan Jones, Bruce
Ruxton and their ilk claim to speak for the ordinary people. They
don't. The ordinary people are here today to say 'sorry'".

Ms Evelyn Scott closed her speech to the assembled with "Our
struggle for Indigenous rights and equality is bound up
inextricable with the rights of all Australians. Our freedom is
your freedom. Reconciliation is not an isolated event but part of
the fabric of this nation. Will you take our hand? Will you share
our dream?"


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