An appeal to all people of conscience, of all anti-racist and peace 
organisations to stop the genocide of the Iraqi people.

      *** Demonstrate against Richard Butler's book launch ***

The mongrel who provoked the Dec 1988 bombing of Iraq is back in town. The 
butler is launching a new book of old lies "Saddam Defiant" to rekindle a 
new anti-Iraqi campaign.

When: Thursday June 22
Place: Grand Hyatt Hotel, cnr Collins & Russell St. Melb
Time 12:00pm

2000 will determine whether tens of thousands of people in Iraq live, or 
die, and millions sustain painful,crippling permanent injuries from further 
malnutrition and sickness which could have been avoided altogether, or 
quickly cured if medicines and clean water had not been denied by the US 
dominated Security Council.

Let us, in one voice, call for the lifting of the sanctions on Iraq for 
humanitarian reasons.The women and children there have the right to live in 
peace and in an environment conducive for their healthy development.

Dante found the hottest places in the Inferno were reserved for those
               who in time of moral crisis did nothing.

... and a little help from the Butler- How Clinton orchestrated an
attack on Iraq



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