Call for sanctions against Iraq to be lifted

ABC news Mon, 31 Jul 2000 3:25 AEST

Hollywood stars have joined peace activists in a call to the United States 
to lift economic sanctions imposed a decade ago on Iraq, claiming the 
measures are killing innocent children.

The stars include Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen and Richard Gere.

In an advertisement in The New York Times, they say that military sanctions 
on Iraq should continue, but economic sanctions do not work.

The US State Department maintains that the sanctions are necessary to 
pressure Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to abandon efforts to produce weapons 
of mass destruction.

Iraq has found an unusual new supporter in its attempt to have the 
sanctions dropped.

Former US intelligence officer and UN arms inspector Scott Ritter, who is 
now in Baghdad making a TV documentary, no longer believes Iraq's weapons 
program is a menace.

The advertisement will appear in the New York Times on or near August 6th.


Are the Children of Iraq Our Enemies?

Ten years ago, on August 6, 1990, the U.S. imposed economic sanctions on 
Iraq. Since then, over one million Iraqis, mostly children under five, have 
died. 10 years is enough! The military sanctions on Iraq should continue, 
but the economic sanctions not only do not work, they are killing innocent 
Iraqi children.

We say, the time has come to stop killing innocent Iraqi children.

Lift the economic sanctions on Iraq now!

Susan Sarandon Tim Robbins Martin Sheen Liam Neeson Rosie O'Donnel Jeremy 
Irons Robert Altman Bonnie Raitt Sr. Helen Prejean Mike Farrell Joan Baez 
Rev. William Sloane Coffin Ed Asner Jackson Browne Bishop Thomas Gumbleton 
Natasha Richardson Pete Seeger Rev. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. Sinead Cusack 
Casey Kasem Philip Berrigan Richard Gere John Densmore Arun Gandhi Maguire 
Maguire (Nobel Peace Laureate) Jose Ramos Horta (Nobel Peace Laureate) 
Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Nobel Peace Laureate) Rev. James Lawson Rabbi 
Douglas Krantz Sr. Joan Chittister Noam Chomsky Richard Dreyfuss Howard 
Zinn Todd Oldham David Dellinger Ramsey Clark Dennis Halliday Dr. Helen 
Caldicott Dr. Patch Adams Elise Boulding Rev. John Dear (FOR Executive 

and the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the largest, oldest interfaith peace
organization in the US.

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"Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the 
World, 2001-2010."

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