Walking the Land- for Our Ancient Right
For Peace and Healing

Camped at the Canberra Aboriginal Tent Embassy,
in front of Old Parliament House.

Media Release
24 August, 2000 

Governor General Accepts Invitation
to Join Peace Walk to Sydney Olympics

Walking the Land For Our Ancient Right, for Peace and Healing is in 
Canberra on
its way to blessing the Sydney Olympic Games.  Walk leader, peacemaker and
Arabunna elder, Kevin Buzzacott, has come carrying the Sacred Fire for 
Peace, all
the way from his people's country at Lake Eyre, in South Australia's north.

Many people from Around Australia and the world, from many nations and
cultures, have supported Kevin on this epic 2700km journey, which is 
destined to
become a part of Australia's heritage.

Yesterday, August 23, a very sacred fire ceremony was held with the elders 
of the
Aboriginal Embassy and the Sacred Runners, who arrived after running around 
eastern half of Australia with their message of peace.

Fire sticks surrounded the Fire for Peace, carried by Uncle Kevin from Lake 
each burning in the fire at one end.  After a blessing and cleansing of smoke
everyone was invited to share by carrying a fire stick to the Justice Fire, 
which has
been burning at the Tent Embassy for some years.  Ashes from the Justice Fire,
carried around Australia by the Sacred Runners were also added.

Today, at 11am, Kevin and his supporters went to Government House and
presented Sir William Deane, the Governor General of Australia and the Queen's
representative, with a personal invitation to join this journey for Peace 
and Healing,
to share in our message to the whole world, to be presented along the way 
of the
Walk and at the Olympic Games.  He was asked to direct this invitation to the
Queen. Neil Crocker, of Protective Services accepted the invitation on 
behalf of the
Governor General and placed wood on the Peace Fire to symbolise the Governor's
blessing to the Walk and its message of peace and healing for all the 
peoples of the

"Everyone is invited to share in our message of  Peace for all peoples and all
cultures, for the future of the world.  We want to share this with the 
world, to start
the healing."  Said Kevin today

Many Canberra locals, and people from further away are arriving at the 
Embassy to
offer their support and to join the walk.

"We are walking in the right way, with respect for this land and its 
people.  We are
calling for safe passage to Sydney and invite all people to 
participate.  Join us to
learn about this land, its people and each other, together we can make 
peace and
travel this country together."  Says Kevin.

Walking the Land- for Our Ancient Right, for Peace and Healing, will leave
Canberra for Sydney on the morning of Saturday August 26.  Fire from the 
Justice Fire will be ceremonially joined again with the Sacred Peace Fire 
before it is
carried on to Sydney where it will bless the Olympic Games and athletes and 
its message of peace to the world.

For more information and comment call:
Kevin Buzzacott:   0417 838 906  /  0419 812 788

***Please direct this to your contact and local media

Keepers of Lake Eyre, in South Australia:
Web:   www.come.to/lakeeyre    Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel:   (08) 8340 4401   /  Mobile:  0419 812 788
Post:   C/- Conservation Council, 120 Wakefield St, Adelaide, S.A. 5000


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