Dr Vandana Shiva is the founder of ecofeminism and one of the world's 
leading campaigners against the devastating human and environmental impacts 
of corporate engineered international trade agreements. She is speaking at 
the Global Capitalism: Local Responses conference on Sunday 10 September.

Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply, Southend Press, 
2000, $33.00 Dr Shiva's most recent publication has only just become 
available. The book charts the impact of globalised, corporate agriculture 
on small farmers, the environment, and the quality of the food we eat.

Dr Shiva has been an ecological activist and organic intellectual for the 
past two decades. Her aim is to contextualise the notions of 'profit', 
'progress' and 'growth' espoused by multinational, corporate culture. She 
examines the influence of this culture on the environment, women, 
biodiversity and third world nations. She has collaborated on and written a 
number of books that would interest anyone who wants to become more 
informed on these issues. The titles stocked by The New International 
Bookshop include the following:

Biopolitics: A Feminist and Environmental Reader on Biotechnology, 
(with  Ingunn Moser), Zed, $48.95

Ecofeminism, (with Maria Miles), Spinifex, $32.95

Monocultures of the Mind, Perspectives on Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 
Zed, $29.95

Biodiversity, Social & Ecological Perspectives, Zed, $34.95

Staying Alive; Women, Ecology and Development, Zed, $27.95

For more information contact the New International Bookshop:
Trades Hall
Cnr Victoria and Lygon Sts, Carlton Sth
ph 9662 3744 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bookshop dinner, 7.30 Saturday 23 September.


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