The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
September 6th, 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.


1.2 billion people live on less than $1 a day
880 million people have no access to health care
1.3 billion people have no access to clean water
2.6 billion people without sanitation
850 million people are illiterate
50% of the world's population survive on 6% of world income
the assets of the 3 richest people exceed the GDP of 48 less
developed countries

By any standards the system is not working. And what is even more
alarming, the situation continues to deteriorate. The policies of
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB)
have resulted in unprecedented deindustrialisation, unemployment,
poverty, famine, insecurity, death, wars and environmental

by Anna Pha

The IMF and WB, controlled by the governments of the richest
nations acting on behalf of the largest and most powerful
transnational corporations (TNCs), are the most destructive
institutions in the world today.

It is not surprising that millions of people are taking to the
streets and joining protests against these institutions and their
partners in crime, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), NAFTA, the
EU and other regional bodies.

Power and wealth of TNCs

The economic rationalist (neoliberal) policies enforced by the
WTO, IMF and World Bank have facilitated the rapid growth of
TNCs. Heightened global competition has resulted in thousands of
mergers and takeovers, and the domination of industries by

While there are an estimated 60,000 TNCs (excluding financial
institutions) with around 500,000 subsidiaries around the world,
15 per cent of their assets are held by the top 100 TNCs.
("World Investment Report 1999" UNCTAD)

These TNCs are shaping a new emerging world economy through their
domination of trade, internationalisation of production and
rapidly growing global investments.

Whether it be cars, biscuits, coffee, soft drink, airlines,
water, electricity, film, TV, newspapers, steel, construction,
legal services, accounting, banking, stockbroking or whatever --
the tendency is for around five to ten TNCs to have a monopoly
over that sector.

The top 100 corporations hold between them an estimated $4212
billion in assets -- the same amount as the combined GDPs of the
140 lowest income countries.

The TNCs exert considerable powers over governments as they
protect their interests and have governments do their bidding.

Nigeria, for example, has a GDP of $36.4 billion, compared with
Shell Oil's assets of $115 billion. No wonder the Nigerian
military were at the service of Shell against the Ogoni people
whose land and oil Shell took over.

Financial conglomerates

The most powerful and almighty of all the TNCs are the financial
conglomerates. These are the corporations that the IMF took
directions from during the financial crisis in Asia.

The Chase-Manhattan Bank, for example, is one of the world's top
five financial services firms with clients in 180 countries.

It profits from corporate lending; housing loans; credit cards;
investment management; trading on the currency, futures, debt and
other markets; loan syndications; issuing of bonds;
consultancies; advice on mergers and acquisitions; and other
services for corporations and governments.

It can make or break governments and businesses, turf people out
of their homes or off their farms.

According to its 1999 annual report, the Bank's global services
division is the "largest global custodian, with $5.6 trillion in
assets under custody worldwide"!

The value of assets under its control is 14 times the size of
Australia's Gross Domestic Product (the annual total of all
income from wages, investments and profits) of around $400
billion. It is even larger than the GDP of Japan -- the second
largest economy in the world.

And the amount of assets under its control keep growing as do its
profits -- an operating profit of $5.4 billion in 1999.


The more governments deregulate the financial sector -- float
currencies, leave it to the market to determine interest rates,
remove restrictions on foreign investments and takeovers, sell
off public institutions -- the larger and more powerful these
financial conglomerates become.

Every takeover or merger means rationalisations and thousands of
job losses and attacks on wages and conditions and in many
instances an attempt to deunionise workplaces.

Media magnates

Another area where TNCs exert considerable power, as well as make
huge profits, is in the media. Australia has produced two of the
world's leading media magnates -- Kerry Packer and Rupert

Packer controls Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd and Consolidated
Press Holdings. This empire includes Nine Network, 97 magazines,
and interests in Crown Casino, Foxtel, telecommunications and
internet services.

He is not short of a quid on the tables, with a net personal
worth of $8.2 billion (up from $5.2 billion in 1998) according to
"Business Review Weekly's "Rich 200 list.

He has been accumulating wealth at a vast rate, around $4 million
a day over the last 12 months -- enough to more than fund a few
hospitals and schools.

With his TV network and publications he is in a powerful position
to influence public opinion and governments. Needless to say he
is no progressive or darling of the workers.

Seed monopoly

One of the most dangerous areas of monopoly control is the global
seed industry. Five companies control 75 per cent of the global
commercial vegetable seed market.

Farmers around the world are now facing a WTO-enforced monopoly
over seeds, with plants included in the GATT agreement on
intellectual property rights (TRIPS).

These corporations are a law unto themselves. They patent seed
varieties and develop hybrid (sterile seeds which will not
produce new crops) and other genetically modified seeds that lead
to a dependency on other chemical products and prevent or outlaw
farmers from collecting and planting seeds.

They produce seed varieties to make profits, not with the aim of
the world's people having enough to eat or better tasting and
more nutritious food.

For example, Seminis (a subsidiary of Mexico-based Sava), is the
world's largest vegetable seed corporation, and controls 40 per
cent of the US vegetable seed market. It has a presence in 120

Seminis has 79 patents issued for genetically engineered seed
varieties, and is seeking patents in relation to most common
staple vegetable varieties.

In June this year, Seminis announced that it would eliminate
2,000 varieties (25% of its product line) of seed as a cost-
cutting measure.

No consultation. Never mind the poor farmers or starving millions
in Africa, Asia or Latin America. Profits are what counts.

Never mind the importance of biodiversity, of varieties adapted
to regional climates, with resistance to local pests and

The Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI) reports
that of the nearly 5,000 non-hybrid vegetable varieties available
in 1981 mail-order catalogues, 88 per cent had been dropped by

Third World guinea pigs

Another seed transnational, the UK-based AstraZeneca, has done a
deal with the European inventors of a publicly funded,
genetically modified, Vitamin-A fortified rice.

The "golden rice" (it has a yellowish tinge) will be made freely
available to poor Third World farmers.

Because of high rice consumption, the consequences could be
serious if there have been any changes in the nutrient or
toxicant content of the rice.

"Asian farmers get (unproven) GM rice and AstraZeneca gets the
`gold'", RAFI points out. (

Govt support

Whether it be the financial institutions, the media, seed
corporations, the oil or mining companies, the additional powers
and freedoms TNCs gain through the enforcement of IMF and WB
conditions and policies, the sovereignty of nation states and
powers of elected governments are being eaten away.

While governments are withdrawing from many areas, the state
still plays an important role in suppressing struggle and
resistance to these policies.

The state and private police and military are available to
protect TNC interests and their powers of intervention are being
increased as witnessed in the "shoot to kill" legislation before

Military repression

When political persuasion and economic coercion have failed,
there is always the military solution.

When government leaders speak of "collective defence and
security", they mean the protection of the interests of TNCs and
of the capitalist system. They do not mean the security of the
people without food, shelter, jobs, health services or drinking

NATO's new strategic doctrine, adopted in April 1999, extends its
range of military actions to preventing conflicts, managing
crises and operations in response to crises on a global basis.

According to NATO, these crises might take the form of "ethnic
and religious disputes", "political disorder", "economic
decline", or "violations of human rights" -- practically any
excuse will be found for intervention.

They are preparing in advance, anticipating that today's
struggles against the IMF and WB will continue to grow as people
around the world reject and resist the scorched earth policies
and demand an end to their suffering and exploitation.

NATO will co-operate with the UN when suitable, or act without
its consent. NATO carried out an illegal war against Yugoslavia,
without approval from the United Nations Organisation.

It signals an ever greater militarisation of international
relations and the undermining of international law -- what
amounts to a political, economic and military dictatorship of the

There is an alternative

We need policies which replace the IMF and WB with bodies which
deal with trade, foreign investment, environmental, migration and
other international questions under the auspices of a
democratised United Nations.

At the same time the sovereignty of nation states needs to be
preserved, with international agreements and treaties being based
on mutual agreement and benefit.

The contradictions between the drive for profits and the needs of
people and the environment can only be resolved by the public
ownership and democratic running of industry and services,
including financial services, in the interests of the people.

Governments need to resume their powers and controls over key
economic matters such as currency, interest rates and investment.

Then, big enterprises would become the servants, not masters, of
the people.

The building of political alliances against the evil empire of
the TNCs, with the involvement of trade unions, political
parties, environmental and other community organisations as
witnessed in Seattle, Melbourne and Prague, is an important step
forward in the struggle for a genuine people's alternative.

* All dollars are US dollars unless otherwise stated.



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