I'm copying hereunder flyers for three forthcoming Australian Society 
functions which may interest you - perhaps you could also draw them to the 
attention of friends and associates who may want to attend.
Best wishes, Race Mathews.

The Kennett Years:
   Scorched Earth or Creative Destruction?

A Conference Organised Jointly by the Australian Fabian Society and the 
Labour History Society

Speakers: Stephen Mayne, Race Mathews, Dick Gross, Mary Crooks, Brendan 
O'Connor, Bill Russell and David Hayward.

Time and Venue: 11 am to 5pm, Sunday, 15 October, at the New International 
Bookshop Meeting Room, Trades Hall, Melbourne.

Cost: AFS and Labour History Society Members $15, Non-Members $20, 
Concession $10.

Reservations (Optional but strongly recommended): Cheque or credit card 
authorisation by post to The Australian Fabian Society. Box 2707X, GPO, 
Melbourne, 3001, fax (03) 9553 0148 or e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When you have finished with the leaflet, please pass it on to somebody else 
who may be interested.


11:00 -12:30 The Kennett Years: Myth and Reality


Stephen Mayne (Former Kennett spin doctor and business journalist who now 
publishes crikey.com.au.).
Race Mathews (Former Victorian MP and Minister, who sat opposite Kennett in 
parliament for 14 years).

12:30 - 1:30 Lunch Break

1:30 - 3:00 The Kennett Years: Life on the Hit List.

Local Government - Speaker: Dick Gross (Councillor and former Mayor, City 
of Port Phillip)

Government Services - Speaker: Mary Crooks (Executive Director Victorian 
Women's Trust, Director Purple Sage Project and Public Policy Analyst)

Industrial Relations Speaker: Brendan O'Connor (Assistant National 
Secretary Australian Services Union and Member Victorian Government Best 
Value Taskforce)

3:00 - 3:15 Coffee Break.

3:15 -4:45 The Kennett Years: Public Interest and Public Sector.

Public Sector Finance - Speaker: Bill Russell (well known Melbourne 
academic, ex-bureaucrat and occasional contributor to policy debate)

Public Enterprise - Speaker: David Hayward (Executive Director, Institute 
for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology and occasional Age 

Regional Instability: Australia's Foreign Policy Dilemma

A Forum Organised by the Australian Fabian Society (Victorian Branch)

Speaker: The Honourable Laurie Brereton, MP, Labor Shadow Minister for 
Foreign Affairs.

Time and Venue: 6pm for 6:30 sharp and an 8pm close, Wednesday, 18 October, 
at the New International Bookshop Meeting Room, Trades Hall, Melbourne.

Cost: AFS Members $5, Non-Members $6, Students/Pensioners a Gold Coin.

Coffee and Refreshments available at the NIB Cafe.

Reservations (Optional but strongly recommended): Cheque or credit card 
authorisation by post to The Australian Fabian Society. Box 2707X, GPO, 
Melbourne, 3001, fax (03) 9553 0148 or e-mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When you have finished with the leaflet, please pass it on to somebody else 
who may be interested.

Book NOW to Avoid Disappointment!! And Why Not Organise a Table of Your Own?

Australian Fabian Society
Annual Remembrance Day Dinner

Guest of Honour: Former ABC CEO Brian Johns.


Time and Venue: 7pm, Friday, 10 November, at the Alysa Restaurant,
555 Sydney Road, Brunswick

Cost: AFS Members $30, Non-Members $35, Students/Pensioners $25.
Reservations Essential.

When you have finished with the leaflet, please pass it on to
somebody else who may be interested.

Reservation Form

Australian Fabian Society,
Box 2707X, Melbourne, VIc., 2000.



Please reserve me ....... member ..... non-member ..........
student/pensioner places for the AFS Remembrance Day Dinner at a
total cost of $ ........... I enclose my cheque/ authorise debit of
my .............................credit card number:
........................................... expiry date:

Dr Race Mathews,
Senior Research Fellow,
International Centre for Management in Government,
Monash University/MountEliza School of Business and Government.

Postal Address:
123 Alexanda Avenue,
South Yarra, Vic, 3141,

Phone/Fax: (03) 9826 0104.


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