<Appeal for support for the Melbourne Uni occupiers>

At present, fifty-nine Melbourne uni students are facing expulsion
following a peaceful occupation of the Vice Chancellor's office on April 5.
One student has already been suspended for six months!

Those who participated in the occupation -- as part of a campaign against
corporatisation of education -- were invited by police to leave the Admin
building. Those that did so were immediately arrested.

All the occupiers now face disciplinary action, not for any particular
action, but for their collective participation. In blatant disregard for
natural justice, the uni is refusing to allow students any kind of
representation at the disciplinary hearing.

Today, a climate of repression and intimidation seems to be building. The
recent arrest of protesters at the Nike blockade for simply handing out
leaflets is another facet of this same intolerance. If the Melbourne Uni
admin is able to victimise the occupiers it will be one more nail in the
coffin of free speech.

Support for the Melbourne Uni occupiers is growing. The list of backers now
includes Senator Bob Brown from the Australian Greens, Dean Mighel from the
Electrical Trades Union, Craig Johnston from the AMWU, Eve Bodsworth
(President of the Melbourne University Student Union), academic Verity
Burgmann and Kate Davison from the National Union of Students.

To add your name -- or the name of your union or organisation -- call 8344

There will be a demonstration in support of the occupiers on Wednesday May
23 at 1 pm at Melbourne Uni.

Jeff Sparrow
New International Book Co-operative
Box 18
Trades Hall
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth 3053
tel 03 9662 3744 fax 03 9663 4755


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