Academic Andrew Markus will be discussing his new book Race in Trades Hall
at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 23 May. Race provides a trenchant analysis of how
race (immigration, land rights, the stolen generation) has moved from the
fringes to the center of Australia life during the Howard years.  Andrew
Markus has established himself as one of Australia's expert commentators on
immigration and Aboriginal history over the last fifteen years. His
presentation will be followed by an open discussion.
Entry $6 or $2 concession.
New International Books
Trades Hall, Cnr Victoria and Lygon Sts, Carlton Sth
For more information, call 9662 3744

Jeff Sparrow
New International Book Co-operative
Box 18
Trades Hall
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth 3053
tel 03 9662 3744 fax 03 9663 4755


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