An open meeting to discuss and plan action around this call will be held on 
Tuesday 26th June, 6pm, LHMWU Conference Rm (Miscelaneous Workers Union), 
74 Astor Tce, Spring Hill.  -  Everyone Welcome!!!!

Globalise Solidarity!   People before profit!   Time for a Treaty! Protest 
CHOGM October  6-9 Brisbane


We encourage any anti-corporate activists,  indigenous groups and 
indigenous solidarity groups, trade unions, environment groups, campaign 
coalitions, political parties, community groups, student unions and all 
progressive organisations or individuals to endorse this call by adding 
their name.

1. The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting(CHOGM) will be held in 
Brisbane this year on October 6-9. This will occur directly after the 
Commonwealth Business Forum (CBF) in Melbourne from October 3-5. CHOGM 
brings together 54 heads of state and will feature notable guests such as 
the Queen, John Howard, re-elected British PM Tony Blair, and the PM of 
Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe.

2. One of the purposes of the CHOGM meeting will be to put pressure on 
Third World countries to support the new WTO round of trade negotiations 
which will be discussed at the WTO meeting this November in Qatar. CHOGM 
represents 40% of the membership of the World Trade Organisation.  During 
the 1999 Durban meeting CHOGM issued the Fancourt Declaration which called 
for the implementation of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations.

3. A new WTO round would be disastrous for workers, the poor and the 
environment everywhere, in particular in the Third World. The General 
Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS) will be a key part of any new trade 
agreement. GATS is about opening the 'service sector' - everything from 
public services and the environment -- to deregulation and privatisation.

4. The failure of the US and others to launch a new round of trade 
negotiations at Seattle is the most significant concrete victory for the 
movement against corporate globalisation. That is why we are calling for 
activists, unionists, students and environmentalists to unite to defend 
this victory by taking action against the CBF in Melbourne and at CHOGM in 

5. We support the call by the prominent leader of the anti-corporate 
movement, Walden Bello, to boycott the Qatar meeting of the WTO.

6. We support the call from Jubilee 2000 for the unconditional cancellation 
of all Third World debt.CHOGM and the CBF are dominated by rich Western 
countries like Australia, Britain and Canada, all of which force poorer 
member states to meet millions of dollars in repayments every year.

7. Privatisation, cuts to spending on health and education, union-bashing, 
deregulation, shifting the tax  burden to the poor, is a key part of the 
Howard's corporate agenda in Australia. The Labor party also embraces this 
agenda. Protesting at CHOGM is crucial to building opposition to this 
corporate agenda in Australia as well as around the world.

8. We recognise that much of the wealth of the imperialist governments of 
the Commonwealth has been stolen from indigenous peoples. We support the 
demands of the Indigenous owners of Australia for real land rights and a 
treaty between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

9. The convergence on CHOGM will also demonstrate the strength of our 
international solidarity with the people struggling for workers' and human 
rights, as well as democratic rights and against homophobia, in counties 
such as Pakistan, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Fiji. In addition we condemn the 
imperialist governments for their ongoing support for military dictatorships.

10. We the undersigned support the call for a ( )mass people's march to 
converge on CHOGM to send a clear message of our opposition to corporate 
elite's agenda of globalising poverty and exploitation at the expense of 
the majority. We intend that such a ( ) mass action will strengthen the 
will, courage and determination of all those around the world who are 
struggling for global justice. The whole world will be watching.

11. We are also interested in coordinating activities and discussing other 
proposals that incorporate the politics of the movement against corporate 
globalisation such as a Counter-Conference to CHOGM, a Boycott the WTO 
campaign and (a range of acts) of non - violent civil disobedience planned 
to protest the CHOGM meeting

12. Our demands include:
*Treaty for Indigenous Australians!* Boycott the new WTO trade round!
* Cancel Third World debt!
* Stop GATS!

13. The union/community group/organisation/individual agreed with the above 
call to action and resolves to support the mass unity march to converge on 
CHOGM on October 6.

An open meeting to discuss and plan action around this call will be held on 
Tuesday 26th June, 6pm, LHMWU Conference Rm, 74 Astor Tce, Spring Hill.


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