Radical Women & the Freedom Socialist Party invite you to celebrate the
32nd anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which sparked the modern movement
for gay liberation. Come to a speak out for Queer liberation!

Wednesday 27 June @ 7pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road Brunswick
Entry by gold coin donation - Curry dinner @ 6.15 pm for a $6 donation
Bar service

This event is endorsed by Q.U.E.E.R and UNITE

The gay liberation movement sparked by the Stonewall Riots in June 1969 was 
radical and confronting. Activists mobilised around a thrilling vision of 
freedom, debating strategies for permanently eradicating sexism, racism, 
heterosexism and poverty, and so winning true emancipation for all. But, as 
Michael Warner argues in his biting critique of queer conformity, The 
Trouble with Normal, the movement has been in 'retreat from its history of 
radicalism into a new form of post-liberationist privatisation'. While 
passage of the Relationships Bill is important, it must be built on. We 
don't simply want a world which loves respectable 'picket fence' lesbians 
and upwardly mobile gays with pockets full of pink dollars to spend. We 
want a world which celebrates the queer majority - young and older, 
Indigenous, queers of colour, workers, queers with disabilities - most of 
us poor and none of us attracted to the disappearing practice of life long 

Come hear a diverse panel of speakers talk about the new militancy in the 
queer movement and then have your say!


* Sally Goldner - transgender advocate from BENT TV and TransMission Time 
on JOY FM who last year fought for EO law reform for transgenders.

* Liz Humphrys - an organiser for the queer block at anti-corporate 
protests against CHOGM planned for October and an activist with Q.U.E.E.R.

* Sue Jackel - trade union organiser and a co-convenor of UNITE, the trade 
union movement LGBT caucus.

* Richard Lane - aka Riki Revolutskya, an activist in the Wills Branch of 
Socialist Alliance and supporter of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty.

* Vanessa Nguyen - feminist activist from Monash University and former 
Queer Officer.

* Alison Thorne - founder of Melbourne Radical Women, member of the CPSU 
and gay movement veteran who won a precedent setting 1986 EO case.

* Melissa Venville - young feminist and current National Union of Students 
Queer Officer.

* Graham Willett - author of Living Our Loud, President of the Australian 
Lesbian and Gay Archives and a member of the NTEU.

* Chaired by Peter Murray - Freedom Socialist Party leader and socialist 
feminist critic of biological determinism.

The evening will also feature historic displays and a fundraiser for the 
Wills Socialist Alliance election campaign

For more information call 9388-0062 or 9386-5065 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solidarity Salon is just north of Blyth Street. There is ample free parking 
at the rear (enter from Staley Street). Take the North Coburg tram from 
Elizabeth Street or catch an Upfield train to Brunswick or Anstey Station. 
Venue is wheelchair accessible (but the toilets are not).

Everyone is welcome.


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