Adelaide, 8-9 March 2002
Melbourne, 14-16 October 2002

Dear Left Linkers,

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend a two 
part symposium to be presented at the Adelaide Festival in March and at 
the Melbourne Festival in October, 2002.

Please circulate this email to any of your colleagues you think may be

At a time when so much in our lives is uncertain - both here and 
overseas, and the challenges our humanity faces are so immense, we think 
it is time to host a national arts symposium where the discourse is set 
exclusively in a social and cultural context;  where economic 
considerations are suspended - if only briefly. We want to acknowledge 
the function of "dissent" as an essential ingredient in any democracy 
and especially crucial in the quest towards cultural democracy.  We want 
to explore the arts=B9 connection with communities in all their 
diversity and with the prevailing social issues that face us all.

Through all of human history artists have been at the forefront of 
social change, challenging as well as reflecting, contemporary 
realities. These days, with the impact of globalisation, massive 
technological change, and the consequent challenges these present to 
environmental and social sustainability, we need our artists more than 
ever to help chart a more humane future, and to help us build closer 
links with each other and with our planet.

In recent years, discussion and debate within the arts "industry" has 
increasingly focussed on essentially structural, economic elements.
Conferences in the sector examine the creation of arts "product", 
develop strategies to penetrate new "markets" and advocate the role of 
artists as "value-adders" to corporate or government programs.  The Art 
of Dissent will take a larger view. It will encourage a freer and more 
courageous debate about the role of the arts in society.

We are delighted that two of the country's flagship arts festivals - 
both with a record of commitment to community works - have joined us in
developing the Art of Dissent program. All we need now is for you to 
join us and offer your ideas. To find out more stay in touch with us via 
our website


The Adelaide Masonic Centre
254 North Terrace, Adelaide
( between Frome & Pulteney Streets)

Friday, 8 March 2002: $25 ($22 for Adelaide Festival subscribers)
Saturday, 9 March 2002: $15 ($13 for Adelaide Festival subscribers)

To attend  book  at Bass on 13 12 46
or online at
Tickets will also be sold on the day at the venue.

Forum ONE: Can the arts change anything?
Cath Cantlon
Alicia Talbot
Jonathan Jones
Greg Mackie
Heather Shearer
Vahid Vahed

Forum TWO: Confronting Globalisation
Sam de Silva
Norm Horton
Mary Kalantzis
Bong Ramilo
Tahmeena Faryal
Dr Tanya Lyons
Yustoni Volunteero and Hestu Ardiyanto (Taring Padi)

Forum THREE: "Whose festival?"
Malcolm McKinnon
Sue Nattrass
Katrina Sedgwick
Peter Sellars
Waita and Karl Telfer
Stephen Richardson
Lynette Wallworth
Terry Cutler

For more information and bios on speakers please visit


Social Change Movements
 > How effective are cultural tools in working for social change?
 > Who owns culture?
 > For art's sake, what is community?
 > Joining the dots - the place of the Indigenous in art and culture
 > What relevance do the arts have in social change?
 > When ethnic dancing is subversive=8Bre-evaluating multicultural arts
 > Popular and elite, authentic and excellent=8Bmeasuring the
    measures of artistic practice

Land, Environment and Sustainability
 > Indigenous arts, land and sustainability
 > Can the arts change our relationship to land and identity?
 > Art of and for the planet
 > Creating alliances between cultural and environment movements
 > Sustainable social and cultural change - who will be driving it?

The Art of gLoCaLisation
 > Challenging the global locally
 > National culture in a time of subtle (and not so subtle) xenophobia
 > Creating and subverting popular culture
 > Can culture be democratised?
 > Multicultural arts - beyond spaghetti and polka

New Media and Cultural Change
 > The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
 > New Indigenous media
 > A multicultural superhighway - new channels, diasporic audiences
 > Virtual spaces - just how much space?
 > Online communities, open source cultures, hacker aesthetics
 > Old media and new - how to develop challenging, relevant content?
 > The cultural dimension of independent media

For more information visit



The venue and order of events all contribute to the overall feel and 
passion of the event. The  Masonic Centre hall will be arranged cabaret 
style, including a cafe area.

At 10am on Friday, 8th March, panelists and audience will be given a
traditional Indigenous Welcome to Country. The panelists in the first 
forum, "Can the Arts Change Anything?" will be introduced by Anne Dunn. 
Panelists will be given five minutes each to explore their position, 
their work and observations in the context of the questions.

The audience will then be invited to explore these issues with those at
their table. Panelists and Ann Dunn will circulate around the room 
offering pointers to discussion or clarification if required. During 45 
minutes of debate, they will collate key observations, questions and 
issues addressing. These will be presented back to the room and the 
panel for comment and debate. The second forum, "Confronting 
Globalisation" will take a similar format - recognising that each forum 
will work its own unique dynamic.

The final forum on Saturday, "Whose Festival?" will be an engaging and
challenging debate. Panelists will have 5 minutes to explore their views 
and observations. Clearly debate will range from looking at the 
experience of the 2002 Adelaide Festival to implications and 
ramifications for other flagship festivals. The bulk of this time will 
be vigorous debate from the floor, with comments and views drawn from 
audience members as well as the panel. The aim is to make this truly a 
dialogue among all those attending.

For further information visit


For Adelaide book  at Bass on 13 12 46
or online at

For further details of the Art of Dissent Symposium 2002, including
Melbourne registration, visit

If you have ideas for exploring the "Art of Dissent" in Melbourne in
October, please contact Kevin Brennan, E-mail:



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