Women's History Month 2002 - Celebrating Women in Australian

(To participate in the discussion forum you will need to register - just 
follow the on-screen instructions)

 From Monday 11 March to Friday 22 March I will be conducting a 
discussion for Women's History Month on women with disabilities and 
leadership - "Locking our daughters away". The aim is to explore the 
current position of women with disabilities in the context of where we 
have come from and what we would still like to achieve.

I am particularly interested in women with disabilities achieving 
leadership positions and taking responsibility for making decisions 
about the community. At this stage I think we are still not being given 
the responsibility for making decisions for ourselves, much less running 
large companies and governments, running large budgets, and making the 
decisions that affect our whole community.

Is the community still uncomfortable with assigning women with 
disabilities intelligence? Does it have a problem trusting women who it 
still cannot believe are just as capable of making the tough decisions?

All are welcome, including our sisters overseas.
log-on to http://www.trivium.net/womenshistorymonth and join in!


Christina Ryan
website: www.austarmetro.com.au/~chrag




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