This Easter, a demonstration will be held at the Woomera Detention 
Center in South Australia. Hundreds if not thousands of people disgusted 
at the Howard government's racist policies will be travelling to Woomera 
for a weekend of protest.

If you are angry that desparate refugees are being locked up in
concentration camps in the desert, like the infamous Woomera, in 
appauling conditions, then GET ON THE BUS!

Socialist Alternative will be organising a 'Red Bloc'. We will be 
working with other groups to make the trip as worthwhile as possible by 
being organised, discussing all the political issues regularly, holding 
workshops both before and during the trip, and making every effort to 
show the detainees that we are determined, angry and defiant in support 
of their struggle for justice.

Some quick facts about Woomera and refugees:
- The Howard government pays Australian Correctional Management (the
company that runs the refugee centers) $135 per refugee per day. This
amounts to $49275  per refugee per year to persecute them. In contrast,
welfare, english classes and assistance in job placement would cost less
than $15000 per year.
- More than 80% of detainees are found to be genuine refugees, even by 
the government's ultra-harsh criteria.
- Most refugees are fleeing from problems largely caused or aided by the
Australian government. The majority of refugees have fled war or
persecution in Afghanistan (which still continues today under the 
Northern Alliance.), or the bombing and economic sanctions on Iraq which 
still kill more than 5000 people every month. In Iraq, diahorrea is the 
leading cause of death for children under 5 - because the Australian-led 
blockade of the country does not allow most medicines into Iraq.

If you are angry about this barbarous treatment and want to come to 
Woomera with us, then GET ON THE BUS! At the moment, the trip will cost 
$100 for students, $160 for wage earners, but we are fundraising to try 
to reduce this.

To get involved either:

Come to our planning meeting: 2:30pm, Saturday 16 March
This meeting is at the New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, cnr.
Victora and Lygon St, City. If you want to book for the trip, please 
bring a deposit of $50 (we need this to book the buses).
To get there: Get to Melbourne Central Station (cnr. Swanston and 
LaTrobe St, City), then travel one block along Swanston St (passing 
RMIT), then turn right just before the city baths. Continue walking 
around RMIT - when you come to a major intersection (not the first one). 
Trades Hall is the old stone building directly opposite you. Cross over 
to it, and enter via Victoria st. Head up a few stairs, and the Bookshop 
is on your left.

OR: Call 9348 0766 and speak to Sandra or Mick.




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