Media Release : For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Community Legal Centres to oppose anti-terrorism laws

The Federation of Community Legal Centres has expressed strong concern
regarding new anti-terrorism laws introduced into Federal Parliament today.

The new measures include changes: allowing ASIO to detain non-suspects 
for 48 hours incommunicado, with no right to legal representation or the 
right to silence. Other measures include new offences, which are broad 
in scope and could criminalise a range of legitimate political activity.

The Federation says the existing criminal law and processes should be 
used to investigate and prosecute terrorism.

Damien Lawson, spokesperson for the Federation of Community Legal 
Centres said today,

"ASIO will move from spy agency to secret police."

"These laws violate fundamental rights which we have had for hundreds of
years. The right not to be detained unless there is a reasonable 
suspicion you have committed a crime, the right to legal representation, 
the right to silence are democratic rights we should vigorously defend."

"We hope the Australian Labor Party will take a principled stand on 
these issues and use their ability to block or significantly amend the 
laws in the Senate."

For more information and comment:
Damien Lawson
Federation of Community Legal Centres: 03 9391 2244 or 0418 140 387

Damien Lawson


Western Suburbs Legal Service Inc.
30 Hall St, Newport 3015 VIC
03 9391 2244 (Tel)
03 9399 1686 (Fax)
0418 140 387 (Mobile)




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