An Evening with Jack Mundey is presented by the Australian Greens(Victoria) 
and the Electrical Trades Union.

This is an opportunity to explore some commonalities between the union 
movement and the Greens in an informal setting.  Dean Mighell (as host) and 
Jack Mundey O.A. (as guest) will adress the gathering then allow the rest 
of the evening to be given over to mingling and discussion.

The evening will be held at the ETU Comrades Bar, 512 Swanston St on 
Wednesday 22 may from 7 pm.

Please make a small donation at the door.  Drinks will be at bar prices.

Jack Mundey has long been a stalwart of the left and the union's 
cause.  We're very proud to present this opportunity for Greens and 
Unionists to hear him address some issues and, together, explore some 
future possibilities, even at this necessarily short notice.

Hope to see you there!

Greg Potter
Wills Branch, AGV

ps - apologies to those who might receive this message twice.


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