In the Wake of the Tampa: Where to Next for Australia's Refugee Policy?

As part of the regular Wednesday night series, the Insitute for Social
Research presents Peter Mares -- author of the award-winning Borderline:
Australia's Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers -- assessing the
unsavory record of the Howard government, including the Tampa affair and
the 'Pacific solution'. With plenty of time for question and comment.

Wednesday 5th June 6.30 pm
New International Bookshop
call 9662 3744 for more info

Jeff Sparrow
New International Book Co-operative
Box 18
Trades Hall
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth 3053
Mon-Fri 9am-6.30 pm Sat 11am-5pm
tel 03 9662 3744 fax 03 9663 4755

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