Nagasaki Day, Friday August 9th 2002

Dear Friends,

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, 
signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, 
those who are cold and are not clothed."

- Dwight D Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Forces Europe in World War 
II and 34th President of the United States of America

Nuclear Free Australia, Jubilee Australia, and Friends Of the Earth are 
organising a rally to commemorate the 57th anniversary of the atomic 
bombing of Nagasaki.

Friday 9th August 2002

5:30pm City Square Swanston Street

In recent times the threat of nuclear war has returned.  Increased military 
spending, global instability and continued production of nuclear weapons 
contribute to a renewed concern. We call for recognition that our spending 
on weapons of war negates the impact of money spent working towards global 
peace, development, justice and environmental sustainability.  The US 
Missile Defence (MD) scheme and withdrawal from the Anti-Balistic Missile 
(ABM) Treaty act as a catalyst for increased weapons build up, a move away 
from peace.

Australia continues to have a significant role by continued support for US 
policy and the Pine Gap Military Base near Alice Springs. In addition 
Australia has renewed involvement in uranium mining, plans for a new 
reactor in Sydney and waste dumping in regional Australia.  We are creating 
new environmental hazards and sources of conflict faster than we can remove 
the old ones.  Nagasaki Day is a significant day to reflect on the global 
situation and our role Australia plays.

At the same time as there is increased military spending, impoverished 
countries suffer under unpayable debt burdens. It is estimated that the 
lives of 19,000 children in poor nations per day could be saved if their 
countries were able to spend the money used for debt repayments on health 
and education. The World Bank's own analysis shows that of 21 countries 
that the World Bank and IMF have granted limited debt relief to, 8 to 10 
will be back in situations of unsustainable debt because of the inadequacy 
of the debt relief granted. There is an urgent need for the international 
community and Australia to review our spending priorities and use money to 
cancel the unpayable component of poor nations.  Through justice, not war, 
will come peace and security.

Themes :


A draft leaflet is available at

Any help your organisation can provide to help build this day would be of 
great assistance.  You can do this by endorsing the rally and helping to 
publicise it.  You can endorse it by phoning us or by signing the 
endorsement slip at the bottom of this letter. You can help publicise the 
event by including leaflets in your organisation's mailouts, putting a 
notice on your website or even writing your own article to be included in 
your newsletter.

Yours Sincerely

Hillel Freedman Nuclear Free Australia 0417506150
Bruce Thompson Friends Of the Earth (Melbourne)
Mark Zirnsak Jubilee Australia
Jacob Grech Oz Peace


Please add our organisation to the list of endorsees       YES / NO

Please send us ....leaflets and .....posters for the rally

Organisation Name.............................


We also need about $1000 to put on the rally. Contact us if you can help


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