SUNDAY | JUNE 23 | 1PM
     corner of swanston & latrobe streets
     ph: 9659 3505 for more information

     | download the poster from www.rac-vic.org |
     | pick up leaflets & colour posters from trades hall |
  _ _ _ _

June 20 is World Refugee Day- on June 23 refugee actions will be held in
every Australian capital city as well as regional centres including
Byron Bay, Shepparton and Newcastle. This will be the largest show of
support for refugees rights in Australia since the Palm Sunday
activities earlier this year.

The Melbourne rally will begin on June 23, 1pm with people assembling at
the State Library. As well as live entertainment there will be a range
of speakers representing temporary protection visa holders, ethnic
communities, detention centre workers and religious groups. The event
has been endorsed by dozens of organisations including the Victorian
Ethnic Communities Council and Victorian Trades Hall Council (see below
for full list).

in melbourne speakers on the day will include:
    - Arch Bishop Hilton Deakin
    - Fahim Fayyazi, Afghan tpv holder
    - Felicity Martin, Refugee Action Collective
    - Marion Lau, chairperson of Ethnic Communities=92 Council
    - Arnold Zable, writer & journalist
with more to be confirmed. There will also be live entertainment and an
action to commemorate those people who died trying to get to Australian

The rallies are being organised under the slogan: "welcome refugees, end
mandatory detention", with additional demands including "money for
community settlement not the "Pacific Solution" and full rights for
refugees, not temporary protection visas".


- download a black & white poster from http://www.rac-vic.org

- forward this email or include information about the event to contacts,
email lists and colleagues

- there are a limited number of colour posters available:
   call 9659 3505 to arrange a time to pick them up from trades hall

- pick up & help distribute leaflets, call 9659 3505

- include information about the event in newsletters, mailouts,
   calendars or websites you are associated with

- translate this information into other languages and help in
   distribution amongst migrant communities, newletters & papers

WORLD REFUGEE DAY ACTIONS have been endorsed by a range of organisations
nationally including: the Victorian Trades Hall Council; Ethnic
Community Council Victoria; National Union of Students; Rural
Australians for Refugees; Victorian Alliance for Refugees; Refugee
Action Coalition (NSW); Free the Refugees Campaign (NSW); Refugee Action
Collectives in SA, Qld, Lismore, Byron Bay, Illawarra and Victoria;
Refugee Rights Activists Network (WA); Refugee Action Network (Darwin);
Justice for Refugees (Armidale); Newcastle Refugee Rights Group;
Tasmanians for Refugees; Search Foundation; Labor For Refugees; Jesuit
Refugee Service;
Lebanese Muslim Association; Margaret Reynolds, national pres United
Nations Association of Australia; ChilOut (Children out of Detention);
Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific (ASAP); The Greens;
Socialist Alliance; Friends of the Earth (Vic); Wayside Chapel (NSW);
Edmund Rice Centre; AMWU Activists Network; Show Mercy (NSW);
Progressive Young Hazaras; and many, many others...

In Melbourne the World Refugee Day rally & march is part of a "Refugee
Rights week of action", culminating in a festival outside Maribyrnong
Detention Centre on June 28 & 29.

For more information contact Refugee Action Collective
  phone:  9659 3505
  web:    www.rac-vic.org

Issues regarding speakers or wrd logistics
call arun 0438 244 438 or  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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