We're in the process of upgrading our archives at FightHate / anti-fascism.org.

We're just finished uploading articles by Jehovah's Witnesses about the
Nazi attack on their group.

In addition we have the Barmen Declaration by the German Confessing Church
and several articles by Dorthy Day of the Catholic Worker.

These articles are available via:

Anti-Fascist and Pro-Tolerance Theory and Analysis

In the tactics section of the archives we also have:

Anti-Defamation League
"Responding to Extremist Speech Online: 10 Frequently Asked Questions"

Boston, Rob (Americans United for Separation of Church and State)
"Bad History: What the Right Says About the Constitution [and] Facts to
Help You Set the Record Straight"

Goldberg, Rick
"Religion in the Technological age: Dealing with Antisemitism on the Internet"

Landsberg, Lynne, Daniel Swartz, and Aaron Bisno (Religious Action Center
of Reform Judaism)
"Using Religious Voices To Confront the Religious Right"

These are available via:

How to Fight the Right: Documents On Tactics


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