Socialist Alliance Wills Branch coming events

Thursday 8 August, 7 pm
Wills Socialist Alliance Branch meeting
ASU Organiser, Janine Kepert, will talk about the struggle by unionists at
the Brunswick Pool against outsourcing and for pay justice.
Solidarity Salon: 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Guests welcome. For more information: 9388-0062,

Saturday 10 August, 10.30 am
Speak out against anti-terror laws!
Join Wills Socialist Alliance and local feminist and immigrant community
organisations to protest the Howard Government's latest attack on our
democratic rights.
Coburg Mall.
To endorse the protest, to organise to speak or for more information call
9388-0062, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This event is part of a Socialist Alliance National weekend of protest
against these dangerous measures.

Alison Thorne
Wills Branch Convener


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