Wednesday Night at the NIB: Nairn on Blair

The New International Bookshop presents Tom Nairn -- New Left Review 
editor and Professor of Nationalism and Cultural Diversity at RMIT -- 
speaking about his new book Pariah: Misfortunes of the British Kingdom.

In a blistering polemic against the pretensions of the Blair regime, Tom
Nairn argues for democratic and cultural reform and draws some 
disturbing parallels about Australian politics.

Educated at the Universities of Edinburgh, Oxford and Rome, Professor 
Nairn taught at Birmingham University and Hornsey College of Art, London 
in the 1960s and was Senior Research Fellow of the Transnational 
Institute, Amsterdam from 1973 to 1979. In the 1980s, Professor Nairn 
worked for Scottish Television and as a writer-producer with Agenda 
Productions, before returning to academic life, working with Ernest 
Gellner at the Central European University, Prague. During the late 
1990s he taught in the Graduate School of the University of Edinburgh. 
He is the author of seven books including 'The Break-Up of Britain', a 
book that was pivotal in remaking our understanding of nationalism.

6.30pm, 4 September
New International Books
Trades Hall
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth 3053
for more information, call 9662 3744

Jeff Sparrow
New International Book Co-operative
Trades Hall
Box 18
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth 3053
Mon-Fri 9am-6.30 pm Sat 11am-5pm
tel 03 9662 3744 fax 03 9663 4755

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"Comrades, cling to your principles! Be men and women! We are fighting 
for freedom; why should we falter?"
J.W.Fleming, 1889



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