Good Morning

The Director of the Centre for Public Policy, Professor Mark Considine,
would like to invite you to the fourth and final forum in the Centre for
Public Policy 'Australian Trade Policy Directions' series on Tuesday the
24th of September, 5:30pm in the Centre for Public Policy, 234 
Queensberry Street, Carlton.

In this session we will be joined by A/Prof Richard Leaver from Flinders
University and Alan Oxley from the Australian APEC Study Centre
(biographies are below).

Richard Leaver will be speaking on the topic 'Coalition Trade Policy: 
the Return of Imperial Preference' and Alan Oxley on 'Free Trade 
Agreements in the Era of Globalization - New Instruments to Advance New 
Interests, the Case of Australia'.

This event will be chaired by Dr Ann Capling, author of the 2001 book
'Australia and the Global Trade System' (Cambridge University Press).

No cost involved and no RSVP needed.

Please forward this email on to friends and colleagues. If you have any
questions, don't hesitate to email me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or phone me 
on 8344 9482.

Hope to see you on the 24th.

- Lauren.

Lauren Rosewarne
Centre Manager
Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne 3010
Phone : 8344 9482 / Fax : 9349 4442
Visit our website <>

Participant Biographies

A/Prof Richard Leaver

Richard Leaver is Reader in International Relations in The School of
Political and International Studies, Flinders University, where he has 
been for the last nine years. Prior to that, he was a Senior Research 
Fellow in the Department of International Relations at the Australian 
National University. His primary teaching and research interests relate 
to the economic aspects of International Relations, nuclear 
proliferation and non-proliferation, the history and theory of 
International Relations, and Australian foreign policy, especially in 
relation to all the above.

Leaver has published widely, including having 5 edited works and written
100+ articles and book chapters. His works include: Middling, Meddling,
Muddling: Issues in Australian Foreign Policy (Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 
1997, co-edited, with Dave Cox) and Pacific Economic Relations in the 
1990s: Cooperation or Conflict? (Lynne Rienner, Boulder, CO 1993, 
co-edited, with Richard Higgott and John Ravenhill).

Alan Oxley

Alan Oxley runs International Trade Strategies Pty Ltd, one of 
Australia's leading trade consultancies. It advises business, 
governments and international agencies on international economic issues. 
Current assignments include managing AUSTA, the Australian Business 
Group for a Free Trade Agreement with the US; advising the Lao 
Government on accession to the WTO and providing short term expert 
economic assistance to economic agencies in Indonesia. ITS is a 
contractor to Ausaid. It has delivered aid programs as well in China, 
South Africa and Malawi. Alan is a former Ambassador of Australia to the 
GATT, the predecessor of the WTO and played a seminal role in the 
establishment of the Cairns Group coalition of agricultural exporters 
during the Uruguay Round. His publications include Seize the Future: How 
Australian can succeed in the New Century, (Allen and Unwin, 2000), and 
The Trade and Environment Issue, with Kristen Osborne, APEC Study Centre 
2002. He is Chairman of the APEC Study Centre at Monash University and 
is founder of a pro-market website resource on 
international development issues. He is a regular commentator on 
international economic issues in the Australian media.


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