Friends of the Earth Melbourne Media Release

New WTO 'Product': GATS
Washing Away Democracy

action: Victorian State Parliament Steps
when: 12.30pm Sunday 22nd September

photo opportunity

On the steps of the Victorian State Parliament, Friends of the Earth 
trade activists will launch the WTO's new product: Corporate Strength 
GATS. Dressed as the faceless bureaucrats from the WTO, and assisted by 
the colourful GATS dancing boxes, the activists will 'scrub away democracy'.

Sunday's action is a lead up to the massive 'S11' type protests expected 
in Sydney when the World Trade Organisation (WTO) meets from November 14-15.

Sundays action also coincides with Friends of the Earth Australia's
postcard campaign to raise awareness of WTO's General Agreement on Trade 
in Services (GATS).

FoE Spokesperson Domenica Settle, outlined the importance of the 
campaign." GATS will have crucial implications for the daily lives and 
living environment of people all over the world. The provision of water, 
public health and education are just a few of the essential public 
services threatened by GATS."

"GATS is very similar to the ill-fated Multilateral Agreement on 
Investment (MAI), which was defeated by global community opposition in 
1998. Like the MAI, GATS is being negotiated secretly by national 
governments, and is largely irreversible. Further, big business who are 
lobbying for GATS will be the prime beneficiaries."

Sarah Kenny, FoE Spokesperson, went on, "The MAI taught us that people 
won't put up with government's negotiating away their rights and that of 
the environment, for the benefit of big business."

To contact a FoE spokesperson regarding the protest on Sunday, call:
Domenica Settle: 0421 874 838
Sarah Kenny : 0438 599 192

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Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)



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