[ Below: Stay tuned - Provocateurs on sydney.indymedia.org ]


Call for protest website shut down

September 25, 2002

NSW POLICE Minister Michael Costa has asked the Federal Government to 
shut down websites with instructions to disrupt a World Trade 
Organisation (WTO) meeting in Sydney.

Mr Costa said today he was deeply concerned about the websites which
provided information to violently disrupt the WTO Trade Ministers 
meeting in November.

"I support the community's right to peaceful, lawful protest but it's
clear to me comments and information on these sites are designed to 
incite violence against NSW Police, who will be providing security at 
the meeting," he said.

"These people have gone too far." He said the websites told people to 
arm themselves with baseball bats, slingshots, firecrackers, gasmasks 
and marbles.

"They intend to harm police and police horses and put community safety 
at risk," he said.

"That's why I have written to the Federal Government today asking them 
to shut down these websites or restrict access to them," he said.

He said he would also take the matter to the next meeting of the
Australasian Police Minister's Council.

A spokesman for Communications Minister Richard Alston tonight said he
would send the letter to the Australian Broadcasting Authority.

"We would be urgently sending the letter to the Australian Broadcasting
Authority who would take the appropriate action under the online content
legislation," he said.

"Whilst it's not possible to say definitively the website is prohibited
under the legislation without a full investigation of it, Senator Alston
shares Mr Costa's concerns about a website which may incite violence
against police officers."

A spokesman for Mr Costa said there were at least three websites involved.




provocateur says 'shut up and shop'
by Joanna 12:02am Mon Sep 23 '02 article#20726

Thankyou for including the link!  It takes you to the original post plus

The 'shopping list' was posted by a provocateur who has been spamming
Melbourne indymedia in recent weeks.

This is from the first comment I posted in response to that day's 
serving of provospam:

More provocateuring
by Joanna 11:29pm Tue Sep 10 '02 comment#33347

For new readers:

'SUPPLIER' is a provocateur. This poster of many psuedonymns seems
desperate to spread the belief that protesters are violent, and no doubt
has high hopes that some impressionable youngster will read supplier's
posts and take a smoke bomb to the Sydney WTO demonstration. As a last
resort, 'supplier' might take a smoke bomb along in person. Because 
smoke bombs look bad on TV, and 'supplier' doesn't care about asthmatics.

'Supplier' no doubt also wishes to distract attention from the real 
issue at the WTO protests - the WTO. The WTO is an unelected, 
undemocratic organisation representing the world's richest corporations. 
Its agenda is to further concentrate power and wealth into the hands of 
these corporations. To this end, in secret courts, with anonymous 
judges, it makes decisions that devastate third world economies and our 

Click on the link at the bottom of this post for facts about the WTO.

All the best,




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