Socialist Alliance will be a registered political party for the coming
Victorian state election. Over the last few weeks, Socialist Alliance
members been polled by the Victorian Electoral Commission to varify that
the party has at least 500 members. Today, positive responses to the VEC
questionnaire reached 502.

There follows from tomorrow a four week period where objections to
Socialist Alliance's registration can be made. The grounds for objection
however are particularly narrow, and will not be satisfied. It is a
certainty therefore that Socialist Alliance will achieve registration
before any early election called by the Bracks government.

Successful state regitration will mean the identification of Alliance
candidates with 'Socialist Alliance' on all ballot papers. At last there
will be an easily identifiable socialist alternative for elections in
this state.

On behalf of Socialist Alliance I would like to thank all individuals
and organisations who have made this success possible. It is testament
to what a united left can achieve together.

Once again our thanks to all who have contributed.

In solidarity,

Graham Matthews
Socialist Alliance state co-convenor.


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