The ALP show their real colours.  Apols for x-posting....

Chris Chaplin
Preston, Vic

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edwards, Jon (Sen K. Nettle)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 5:07 PM
Subject: Greens-Media: Cunningham Preferences expose ALP fear and

Preferences expose ALP fear and betrayal


In a cynical move that confirms Labor's shift to the right, ALP
preferences in Cunningham are now going to the Liberal Independent and
Christian Democrat candidate before The Greens or union-backed

Australian Greens Senator Kerry Nettle said: "This preference decision
has revealed the depth of Labor's fears for this 'safe' seat and its
willingness to betray its left-wing roots to hold on to it."

The 'How-to-Vote' for ALP candidate Sharon Bird puts Greens candidate
Michael Organ 9th and the union-backed Independent Peter Wilson 8th.

The Greens as genuine challengers for the seat have been relegated
behind the Independent Liberal candidate, David Moulds, who gets the
ALP's 4th preference, and the Christian Democrat who gets 7th.

"The Greens are really putting pressure on the ALP. When right-wing
conservative Christian Democrats and Liberal Party 'Independents' get
ALP preferences before The Greens it's a stark indication of how
desperate the ALP is getting, " Senator Nettle said.

"The ALP is saying that they'd rather a Liberal got up than a genuine
Left candidate. This surely puts paid to any left-wing credibility the
ALP had in this seat.

"Sharon Bird's excuse that this how-to-vote card is only for pre-poll
is no excuse at all. This election is likely to go down to the wire,
and the pre-poll preferences could prove crucial."

The Greens preferences will be decided tonight at a meeting of the
Illawarra Greens.

Contact Jon Edwards - 0428 213 146



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