John Pilger to speak at the following:

Walk against the War
No War on Iraq! No Australian involvement!

Sydney Nov 30, meet at 12 noon at Town Hall

Speakers include:

John Pilger, author, film-maker and anti-war activist
Sharon Burrow, ACTU president
John Howard, actor
Sheikh Taj Alhilali
Rawan Abdul Nabi, Palestinian activist

The rally will end in the domain with performances and songs from
Jenny Morris among others.

To help build the rally, the first major anti-war rally in Sydney,
please email this notice to all your friends, networks and colleagues. 
We only have three weeks to get the word out!

The leaflet and poster in pdf form are almost ready. Please email me
back if you'd like them sent to you.

Hard copies of the posters will be ready for distribution soon, and I
will advertise pick-up locations on a future email.

The Walk Against the War Coalition, of which Action in Solidarity with
Asia and the Pacific is an affiliate, meets every Monday night.

If you would like to get involved, please ring myself on 0412 139 968
or one of the convenors: Nick Everett 0409 762 081; Bruce Childs
9386 1240 or Hannah Middleton 0418 290 669.

In solidarity,
Pip Hinman


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