Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 00:48:32 +0000
From: "Zanny Begg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[ Action on March 20 - please forward it to all the lists you are on ]

Does Free Trade make you sick?

Right now the US and Australian governments are negotiating the
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) aimed at removing "barriers" to trade
between the two countries. On the negotiating table is the
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) which is regarded by the
US Drug Companies as a barrier to them competing in the Australian
market. The upshot of this for all of us could be a huge rise in
the cost of essential medicins.

The Australian government is also supporting measures in the WTO
which make it harder for people in developing countries to access
medicines for epidemics such HIV/AIDS. Access to healthcare - it's
to die for.

Join Global Justice Sydney for a protest against those who make a
killing out of free trade.

- Briefing on implications of the FTA: March 13, 6.30pm @ UTS Tower on
Broadway (follow the signs), all welcome.

- Protest: March 20, 4-6pm @ DFAT, Angel Place, 123 Pitt St, City - 
Angel Pl is just 50m from Martin Place, off Pitt St
(before the Axis of Hope meeting that night - see ).
[ DFAT = Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade]

- For a briefing paper on free trade and health email


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