The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, March 5th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
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Editorial - New dimension of internationalism

It has never happened before in history. An unprecedented unity has 
arisen against the threatened war against Iraq -not because people are 
supporters of Saddam Hussein or even particularly of Iraq, but because 
they are opposed to an aggressive and unnecessary war. The protective 
slogan, "NO WAR", has encircled the earth.

The people's demonstrations are remarkable for their size, for the wide
diversity of those taking part and for the fact that they have taken 
place before a war has started. That is also new.

The people of many countries that have not taken part in such actions 
before are now taking to the streets in their millions.

They have become so powerful that they can influence or even change the
decisions of governments. The failure of the Turkish parliament to agree 
to the use of Turkish territory by the US military to launch an invasion 
of Iraq from that country is an important win for the huge anti-war
demonstrations there.

The people's voice is not yet strong enough to force a change in the
warmongering governments of Britain, Australia and the US but that may 
come. If they do not change they must be thrown out!

Some issues ago The Guardian ran a headline "People's Power can stop the 
war" and this may yet prove to be prophetic.

Of course, this worldwide movement did not come out of the blue. There 
have been working class solidarity actions for many years. International 
trade union support during the maritime dispute of 1998 is one example. 
There were the movements to "Ban the Bomb" and to force the abandonment 
of nuclear weapons. People in many countries opposed the dirty US 
invasion of Vietnam. Demonstrators took to the streets to protest the 
illegal bombing of Yugoslavia and the invasion of Afghanistan. The OECD 
was forced to abandon its Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), 
and the World Trade Organisation and the International Monetary Fund are 
feeling the pressure of the many actions against their policies. But the 
present actions surpass all of these in their breadth and in the numbers 
taking part.

One weakness of the peace actions in Australia remains the limited
involvement of the trade union movement. Although the slogan, "Peace is
Union Business" was adopted during the Vietnam War, it still remains an
empty and meaningless slogan for many trade unions.

This comes about because the policies of the ALP remain dominant in the
trade union movement and ALP leaders (with some notable exceptions and
widespread rank and file opposition) are equivocal in their opposition 
to the war. One is left with the impression that their marginal 
disagreements with the Howard Government are more about point-scoring 
than genuine opposition to the Government's war policies.

Their leadership does not strengthen the trade union movement as the 
rapid decline in trade union membership shows. It weakens and even 
strangles the union movement. It often channels the justified anger of 
workers into the sand. This was the case when the campaign against the 
NSW State Labor Government's workers' compensation legislation was 
called off.

The strong opposition of some trade union and ALP leaders to those trade
unions considering industrial action if Australia becomes involved in an
illegal war against Iraq is the latest example of their misleadership.

Why shouldn't the working people who will suffer the consequences of war 
in many countries and will do the dying take action against the policies 
of governments?

They claim that "we have to support our boys". Yes, support them by 
stopping the war and bringing them home.

There is an appeal by the US veterans of the first Gulf War that says: 
"As troops we were ordered to murder from a safe distance. We bulldozed
trenches, burying people alive. The use of depleted uranium weapons left 
the battlefield radioactive. Massive use of pesticides, experimental 
drugs, burning chemical weapons depots and oil fires combined to create 
a toxic cocktail affecting both the Iraqi people and Gulf War veterans 

"Now we see our REAL duty is to encourage you as members of the US armed
forces to find out what you are being sent to fight and die for." (Go to

Is this treachery? No, it is real patriotism.



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