Defend the right of students to protest

No to racist scapegoating

Picket Murdoch's Herald Sun
7.30am onwards, Wednesday, April 2
Herald Sun tower block on the south bank (opposite Flinders St station)

Last Wednesday, students protesting in Sydney were abused and set upon 
by the police. The media focused on the actions of a small group of 
people of Middle Eastern background - but didn't say that their angry 
reaction came after the police ripped the hijab (scarf) off the head of 
a young woman.

The media, led by Murdoch's papers, have heaped abuse on the protesters 
and helped the police and the state government make the young people out 
as criminals. There has been a particular racist focus on people of 
Middle Eastern background.

The same media who have attacked student violence defend the slaughter 
of Iraqi people every day.

Reject the racism, reject the hypocrisy, reject the war - join this picket.

(Sydney students will be rallying later the same day -- this is our 
chance to show interstate solidarity.)

Initiated by the International Socialist Organisation. Endorsed by 
Moreland Peace Group. To add your endorsement, or for more info, ring 
Tom on 0408 619 152 or visit

Forward as appropriate



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