Melbourne Rally to Free Tian Chua

Thursday 10 April at 5 pm
Malaysian Airlines, Nauru House
80 Collins Street
Melbourne Australia

Tian Chua is a Malaysian labour organiser.
On 10 April 2001 Tian Chua was arrested. He has not been charged.
On 24 April 2001 he was officially detained under Malaysia's infamous
Internal Security Act (ISA).

The ISA allows for detention for two years.
The Minister for Home Affairs can extend the detention for a further two
years at the stroke of a pen.
Tian Chua is coming to end of his first two years detention.
As a labour organiser Tian assisted workers across all races in Malaysia.

It is time to free Tian Chua
It is time to free all political prisoners in Malaysia

Information: Victorian Trades Hall Council

Australia Asia Worker Links - PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 61 3 9663 7277   Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Web:
Assn No: A1318   ABN: 82 920 590 967



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