Dear All,

please find below a copy of an email sent by Sydney Walk Against the War 
Coalition convenor, Nick Everett.

The email outlines the attempt by the more conservative forces in the 
the WAW Coalition to split the anti-war movement in Sydney.

It outlines their undemocratic move to sneak throw a resolution on 
Monday, 21 July to close down the Walk Against the War Coalition without 
notifying the groups affliated to the coalition, including the locally 
based peace groups in Sydney. According to one of the initators of this 
move, the locally basedanti-war/peace groups have nothing to offer the 
new organisation the conservative forceshave alreadyformed, the Sydney 
Peace and Justice Coalition.

Since this letter by Nick was distributed, those inititating the split 
have been now forced to give notice of a meeting to discuss the 
disolution of the Walk Against the War Coalition. This will now take 
place on August 18.

in solidarity,
Kim B


Dear Friends,
At this Monday's Walk Against the War Coalition meeting a proposal will 
be put to close down the Walk Against the War Coalition. This proposal 
is being supported by a section of the Coalition that has decided to 
split the anti-war movement, having last week initiated the Sydney Peace 
& Justice Coalition at an invitation-only meeting.

I am a co-convenor and founding member of the Walk Against the War 
Coalition, but was not informed of this move until after the split was 
initiated. Those seeking to shut down the Walk Against the War Coalition 
have also declined to give notice to the Coalition's affiliates that 
they will be asking the Walk Against the War Coalition to dissolve 
itself on Monday night. Affiliates should have the opportunity to 
consider this proposal in advance and debate it openly and 
democratically before a decision is made.

The Sydney Peace & Justice Coalition was initiated on July 7 at a 
meeting that was kept secret from many affiliates of the Walk Against 
the War Coalition, including the NSW Greens, Socialist Alliance, Muslim 
organisations and representatives of local peace groups, solidarity 
organisations and many individuals who have been active in the peace 
movement. A charter and operating rules were adopted (see below) which 
stipulate that its coordinating committee will exercise effective 
control over who may be affiliated.

The decision to exclude organisations from the founding meeting of the 
Sydney Peace & Justice Coalition and the proposal to shut down the Walk 
Against the War Coalition threaten to destroy the unity in the anti-war 
movement that made possible the mobilisation of half a million people in 
Sydney on February 16 and a sustained campaign against Bush's war plans 
that held back the attack on Iraq for several months.

Splitting the movement will also undermine the possibilities of mounting 
an immediate effective campaign in solidarity with the Iraqi people 
against the unjust occupation of their country. When the Bush 
administration chooses its next target our movement's response will be 
significantly weakened.

While the Walk Against the War Coalition has debated many differences, 
its has enabled a broad spectrum of organisations and individuals 
identifying with the anti-war movement to come together discuss out 
their differences amicably and determine a plan of united action.
I urge you to attend the next Walk Against the War Coalition meeting to 
defend the unity and democracy of the anti-war movement.

The next meeting is this Monday, July 21, 6.30pm at Rm 33 Trades Hall.

In solidarity,
Nick Everett
Walk Against the War Coalition co-convenor
ph 0409 762 081

Charter of the Sydney Peace and Justice Coalition
Peace and non-violent resolution of international disputes

This coalition supports:

1. The United Nations Charter, national sovereignty, and upholding 
international treaties to reduce armaments and to ban nuclear weapons, 
land mines, and biological and chemical weapons, and calls for a 
reformed and strengthened UN.

2. An end to Australian support for the Bush Administration’s unilateral 
invasions and military interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, the 
Philippines, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Libya or Cuba. The Coalition 
opposes any aggressive deployment of the Australian Defence Force, and 
calls for an informed national debate and parliamentary vote before any 
overseas deployment of the ADF. The Coalition calls for an end to 
foreign military bases in Australia, including Pine Gap.

3. Terrorism being dealt with by international cooperation to resolve 
social justice issues in the third world, and police operations to 
suppress terrorist criminals, not by a military "war on terrorism" or 
political suppression.

4. An end to the arms race and arms trade.

5. Australia withdrawing from the nuclear fuel cycle so that it does not 
collaborate with the manufacture of either nuclear weapons or dirty 
weapons such as those made with depleted uranium.

6. A strong UN oversight in Iraq of the transition to Iraqi self-rule 
and national sovereignty; UN initiatives to end longstanding conflicts 
including Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan, and North Korea and 
the USA.

7. The use of the International Criminal Court and appropriate 
international tribunals, rather than military intervention, to deal with 
those who commit crimes against humanity and other crimes under 
international law, including perpetrators from Western countries.

8. The protection of human rights and civil liberties including the 
right to peaceful protest, the rights of indigenous peoples, workers, 
refugees and displaced people and the enforcement environmental 
standards in Australia and in other nations.

9. National self-determination and democracy, rather than nations 
dominated by Western powers, and dictatorships.

10. Transforming the global corporate agenda of privatisation, 
deregulation, and trade and investment liberalisation, into a global 
public program for job creation, education, health and welfare, and 
environmental protection to reverse the poverty gap between and within 
countries. The Coalition rejects the proposed unfair US-Australia Free 
Trade Agreement and the expanded corporate agenda for the World Trade 


The Sydney Peace and Justice Coalition is made up of sponsoring 
organisations which support this Charter, with its structure, operating 
rules and guidelines for events, and which nominate their delegates and 
alternates in writing.

This Charter will be adopted at a founding meeting of organisations that 
have worked effectively in the Sydney anti-war movement. The founding 
meeting will elect a Coalition Coordinating Committee of 16 members for 
a term of one year. The CCC will reflect the diverse political and 
sectoral constituencies within the Coalition. The CCC will elect a 
Treasurer, Secretary, three Convenors and a Meeting Facilitator and 
Deputy Meeting Facilitator. The Convenors will be the public 
spokespersons for the Coalition.

Coordinating Committee members can nominate an alternate if they are 
unable to attend a CCC meeting.

Working Groups will be created as required to carry out the work of the 

Each sponsoring organisation will hold two votes, and will pay an annual 
fee of $100 for large organisations and $50 for small organisations.
If a delegate knowlingly breaks the Charter, Structure, Operating Rules 
and Guidelines for Events, the issue will be reported by the CCC to the 
sponsoring organisation for resolution.

Operating Rules

The Coalition will meet at least four times a year, and the CCC will 
meet more frequently as required.

Meetings of the Coalition and the CCC will be conducted in an orderly 
manner, guided by the Meeting Facilitator or Deputy, with no person able 
to speak twice in debate until all those who wish to speak have had 
their say. Normally decisions will be by consensus, or by simple 
majority when consensus is not achieved. A list of authorised delegates 
and alternates will be available at all meetings. Meetings will be kept 
to a maximum duration of two hours.

All delegates and alternates will be provided with minutes of each 
meeting. Minutes will specify which delegates attended and which 
organisations the Delegates represent.

At least 14 days notice of the next scheduled meeting will be provided, 
including an invitation to contribute a draft agenda, which will be 
circulated at least two working days before the relevant meeting. Any 
major policy proposals must be circulated with the draft agenda.
In an emergency, a majority of the CCC can call a Coalition meeting at 
short notice.

Guidelines for Events

The Coalition operates the Australian tradition of peaceful protests and 
non-violent civil disobedience, with all its participants fully informed 
of the agreed plans.

Coalition events will have a clear set of objectives and focus.
The Coalition will apply for relevant permissions for the events it 
decides to organise.

In holding events specifically for children or young people under the 
age of 18, the Coalition will ensure that they are conducted in a 
responsible, appropriate and safe manner.

Coalition events will be adequately marshalled. The Coalition asserts 
its right to protest against anti-democratic laws, police repression and 

All Sponsoring Organisations will sign the following:
.................. supports the Charter, and associated Structure for the 
Sydney Peace and Justice Coalition, Operating Rules and Guidelines for 
Events. It undertakes to provide Delegates who will work within this 
framework and to withdraw from the organisation if the Coordinating 
Committee determines that it has committed repeated breaches. It agrees 
to pay the membership fee of $100 / $50.
Signed: ………………………………………
Name of Signatory: …………………………………………………..
Organisational Position: ………………………………………………
Date: ………………………………
Adopted on July 7, 2003, Trades Hall



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