PDF flyer (286kb) also available on request... cheers...Christine

Stolen Wages Rally
Indigenous Wages is an Industrial Issue

Friday 8 August 12 noon - 2pm
King George Square

 From 1897 to until the early 1970s employment, wages and savings of
Aboriginal workers were controlled by successive Australian governments
under compulsory labour contracts.  In Queensland wages were held by the
government 'in trust'.  These workers have since made a claim for their
wages but they have only been offered a fraction of what they are really

Support these workers.  Support their claim for wage justice.

Guest Speakers include:

Queensland Council of Unions General Secretary
Indigenous coalition
Community speakers from across Queensland
Unions speakers from Queensland, Victoria and other states.

MC Tiga Bayles, MEAA Member and 4AAA General Manager.

For further information contact the Queensland Council of Unions
ph (07) 3846 2468

Union banners and flags welcome.

Authorised by G. Grace, General Secretary, Queensland Council of Unions,
16 Peel St, South Brisbane



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