Come along to plan out the next steps in combatting these anti-woman,
anti-gay fascists.

DiSC Strategic Planning Day

Sunday 10 August 2003,11am - 5pm

Trades Hall Council Annexe (Upstairs)

Cnr. Victoria and Lygon Sts Carlton Sth


11.00 Evaluation of History - where we have been, what was good, what
was bad.

12.00 Joint rebuttable custody - guest speaker.
12.35 Lunch

1.10    Fascism - How the Blackshirts are Fascist, relation to other
Fascist threats/trends in society.
2.10     Aims and objectives - work on existing documents, distinguish
aims and objectives, aim to finalise.

4.00    Discuss aims and objectives in small group to develop a
practical agenda.

4.30    Work up items into a calendar.
5.00 Close.


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