Masters thesis: Women who cycled and photographed in the 1890s.

Cycling and photography, two major recreational hobbies of the 
industrial age, were embraced by the middle and upper-class during the
1890s. In fact, increased leisure time, and the arrival of the easy to
use, handheld, roll film camera and the chain driven safety bicycle with
pneumatic tyres sparked twin crazes around the world.

Many women found the combined pursuits of cycling and photography
particularly appealing - they not only represented respectable hobbies,
but they also had a liberating effect on women's lives. Cycling in
particular seemed to actually attract women seeking emancipation: many
were passionate advocates of the 'New Woman' and 'rational dress'

To date, little research has focused on women who cycled and
photographed in the 1890s. Fiona Kinsey is researching a Masters thesis
on this topic at the Australian Centre, University of Melbourne. She
wishes to locate photographs, taken by Melbourne / Victorian women, that
show women pursuing these combined past-times in Melbourne / Victoria.
She also is seeking diaries and letters, and information about novels
and popular culture that describe these twin pursuits. She would
appreciate hearing from anyone who holds such items in public
collections or in their family albums and archives.

Fiona can be contacted by e-mail on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

or by telephone on 03 83417254.20


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