AAWL Email News

Thank you to everyone who attended the solidarity events in support of
workers in the Philippines, East Timor, Burma, Korea, and the Stolen 
Wages campaign in Queensland

Stolen Wages postcards are now available from ACTU, VTHC and AAWL

The following important solidarity events are being held in September:

Thursday 11 September; 10am to 3pm
Vigil for the workers killed in the war on Iraq and Afghanistan
US Consulate, 553 St Kilda Road Melbourne
Organised by Women for Peace - 03 9387 6490

Thursday 11 September at 3:30 pm
Protest 30 years of oppression & injustice - 30th anniversary of the 
coup in Chile US Consulate, 553 St Kilda Road Melbourne
Organised by Chilean Popular & Indigenous Network - 0401 558 373

Thursday 11 September at 6:30 pm
Venezuela: The revolution unfolding in Latin America - Public meeting 
with Alvaro Guzman Trades Hall, 54 Victoria Street Carlton South  [Entry 
$8/$5 donation] Organised by Committee in Solidarity with Latin America 
& the Caribbean - 03 9639 8622

Saturday 13 September; 12 noon to 5:30 pm
The war on the poor - Seminar on militarism & globalisation today
Green Building, 60 Leicester Street Carlton
Organised by Victorian Peace Network - 03 9659 3582

Tuesday 23 September at 7 pm
Pay up now! - Public meeting on the Aboriginal workers campaign for 
Stolen Wages Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Organised by Radical Women - 03 9386 3230


Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 61 3 9663 7277   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Web: www.aawl.org.au
ABN: 82 920 590 967   Assn No: A1318


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