New at the Project SafeCom Shop:

Frank Brennan's Tampering with Asylum, A Universal Humanitarian Problem

 From the hand of Fr Frank Brennan, the Director of the Uniya Jesuit 
Social Justice Centre in Sydney comes the comparative study on asylum 
seeker policies 'Tampering with Asylum'. Published by the University of 
Queensland Press, it is what we have come to expect from Fr Brennan: a 
well-resourced and cogent argument in a look at Australia's asylum 
seeker policies - against the backdrop of how Europe manages both its 
borders and its asylum seekers.

Full details of the publication:

In October last year, Father Frank Brennan shared with a Tasmanian 
audience - during the Anglicare Tasmania Social Justice Lecture titled 
"Tampering with Asylum" that he had just "...circumnavigated the globe 
[....] looking at the treatment of asylum seekers in the United States 
and Europe."

  From that lecture:

"In those parts of the world there are huge caseloads of persons seeking
asylum onshore and each country has porous borders requiring sensitive
international cooperation. Whether it be in Washington, London, Brussels 
or Berlin, asylum seekers and those wrestling with striking the right 
balance between border protection and asylum have all heard of Tampa and 

"Even in the jail outside Berlin where persons are held in detention
awaiting deportation, the young man who had been there one year had seen
the Woomera protests on television and was sickened by the inhumane
realisation that children are regularly held in detention in Australia."

"One of the aspects of globalisation is that money and people are more
mobile. Australia may be the end of the earth, but it is no longer
inaccessible. Unauthorised movement from the third world to the first
world, from insecurity to security, from persecution to protection is to 
be expected."

More at:

Launched around Australia

Last week Fr Frank Brennan, Director of the Uniya Jesuit Refugee Service 
in Kings Cross, spoke at his initial launch of his new book "Tampering 
with Asylum" at the Canberra Press club.

This week and next week local State launches will take place around
Australia of his "Comparative Study of Australia's Response to the First
World Challenge of Protecting Asylum Seekers and National Borders".

We have secured an early agreement with the publishers to stock the book
for our supporters - in time for our Christmas orders.


OUR PRICE: $29.95

Title: Tampering with Asylum, A Universal Humanitarian Problem
Author: Fr Frank Brennan
Publisher: University of Queensland Press
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 227 x 152 x 17
Number of Pages: 230
Publication Date: 6 November 2003

To order, go here:

A Christmas present?

Want it wrapped for Christmas? We'll do that at Project SafeCom with ALL
our orders - provided you ask us in the comment box - for any order 
between now and Christmas! See our shop for more details:

 From Uniya's Media Release

"With the Howard Government's revelation that 90% of the unauthorised 
boat arrivals in recent years have been proved to be refugees, it is 
timely to reassess the harsh measures instituted to process these people 
who were labelled as unlawful queue jumpers. Father Frank Brennan, 
Jesuit lawyer and human rights advocate, does so in his new book, 
Tampering with Asylum: A Universal Humanitarian Problem. The book 
compares Australia's dramatic over-reaction in closing its national 
borders to the Tampa's human cargo with the response of the United 
States and Europe, and offers a practical blueprint for countries 
wanting to humanely protect asylum seekers."

"It is no surprise that Willie Virgile Brigitte, the Al Qaeda operative,
came by plane with a tourist visa. He was never eligible for upstream
disruption or mandatory detention. No terrorist has come by boat with 
wife and children and without a visa. Now is the time to scrutinise 
government's rationale for treating boat people in such a discriminatory 
way, in the name of national security."

"Tampering with Asylum is a primer for more informed public discussion
about the morality of Australia's asylum policy. It moves beyond the 
point scoring of political parties."

"In the past Prime Minister Howard has boasted that Australia was a
warm-hearted, decent international citizen. By comparing Australia's 
policy with the US, UK and Europe, the reader can appreciate the 
shortcomings in Australia's approach. Now that the boats have stopped 
coming it is time to put the 2001 election campaign tactics behind us 
and work towards more rational, cost-effective and fair ways of treating 
those groups who are most likely to be refugees, while maintaining the 
integrity of our borders."

This book shows that both these objectives can be achieved by 
politicians of good will.

Frank Brennan regularly visits detention centres in Woomera, Port 
Hedland and Baxter. After visiting Baxter last week, he said that the 
situation was getting 'more desperate'. Father Brennan has just returned 
from a study tour which took him to meetings with UN and international 
NGO refugee officials in Europe and North America. In Geneva, he 
attended the Executive Meeting of the Office of the United Nations High 
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Some more quotes

Below, some more quotes from Frank Brennan's 2002 lecture:

The sovereignty of the nation state is morally justifiable only if the
nation state discharges its primary obligation to protect the human 
rights and uphold the dignity of its citizens.

This defect [of regarding asylum seekers as queue jumpers] is the
equivalent of not having a parking permit when you have entered the 
carpark while fleeing a forest fire. To equate bona fide asylum seekers 
with queue jumpers is to equate the bona fide forest fire victim with 
the carpark cheat who simply wants to avoid the permit fee while jumping 
the queue.

" is essential that political leaders respond responsibly to 
people's fears rather than feeding those fears and that they resolve 
people's fears with policies which are faithful to the values of the 
people and to the integrity of the social institutions. Because of the 
electoral fervour and the talkback radio lather about the issue, we 
Australians have not taken sufficient stock of the damage and cost being 
inflicted by the present policy."

Yours Sincerely

Project SafeCom Inc.
P.O. Box 364
Narrogin WA 6312
Phone 041 70 90 130


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