Hi Greg,

Yes you can do that.

Search > Search and Replace

Find where: User ID
Find what: M
Replacement text: M3

Replace only found text with replacement text.

You may also want:
How to find:
Starts with


At 03:33 AM 5/04/2007, you wrote:

I use a slightly modified version of the Henry numbering system for descendants. About 5 years ago with Legacy I started the numbering with my most distant known ancestor in the family that I do my primary research. Since then I've been able to go two additional generations back in time and want to "back up" to this "new" most distant known ancestor and start the numbering with him. I've been putting this off for several months since I really don't want to have to make changes to 2,000 entries manually.

So, basically, presently I've got, for example, John Doe as user id "M" and his children are M1 through M8 and so on. The first letter before the numbers is the first letter in the surname. This helps to keep them seperate from another much larger (6,000 names or so) family that I also use the modified Henry system on.

Now that I can go two generations further back in time M will actually turn out to be M3 and his children M31 through M38.

So, in effect what I'd like to be able to do is search the database for any name that has a user ID that starts with M and replace "M" with "M3" and retain the remainder of any digits to the right of "M". If I could access the dB directly I could do this function quite easily, but I don't think we can do that. Do I have any hope of being able to programmatically do what I want to do?

Greg Matthews

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