Lately, when I access the Internet directly from Legacy, I get a message saying I don't have a "default browser."

It tells me to go to the "Customize section of Legacy" and click the Launch tab.
I don't know WHY it doesn't tell me to click on Options>Customize>Launch.
(As so often happens, Legacy Help skips the first couple of things you need to click on.)

At any rate, I found "Launch" without too much difficulty, but I don't have the faintest idea what to put in -- there is no list of the available browsers.
PLUS it tells us to leave each option BLANK to use the default.
So if I do enter a name, it automatically becomes the ALTERNATE and NOT the default.

Why does the message give me instructions for going to a place where I can enter the ALTERNATE but not the DEFAULT??

So where DO I enter the default? and how, e.g. IE7 or do I have to write it out? Do I give the version number etc.?



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