If I recall correctly and assuming that Rootsweb was using a flavour of FTW, the likelihood is that FTW stored some of its non location stuff like occupation in the location field which means that your only choice is to start over and do the import in two different stages using legacy's import wizard to map the info to the proper place in legacy. Please note that I said TWO stages...the first time, allow it to do what comes naturally...the second time have it map locations to your place of choice.Once you have done it twice, do a merge....Then you can use Legacy's search and replace feature to take out whatever needs to be deleted. It will take some time but will likely be faster than editing each record individually.It might not get everyone but might reduce the records needing personal attention to something a little less overwhelming. The good thing about doing it this way is that it does give you a chance to review your data. Using Legacy's advance tagging feature might help too.I think once I had edited a record I would tag it as being completed...or use two for completed and one needing attention. I think you would make quick work of it by doing that. Either way, you will likely have to take the time to inspect your file and make sure it all winds up the way you want it. It's a good thing to start at in the New year...It'll keep you out of trouble for a while I imagine....and please extend my sincere apologies to anyone needing your attention for the next little while .
If you moved non location for an Occupation Event into Event Notes then that's where they will be.
Doesn't Rootsweb show Event Notes?...

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